Chapter 27

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Aria’s POV:

“What do you want Peter” I ask in a cold tone. What the hell is he doing here of all places? I mean I haven’t seen him since freshman year in Maryland.

“I wanted to talk about us” he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“What us? There hasn’t been an us since you and your friends beat me, molested me, and tried to rape me” I say getting pissed off. Before he says anything else, or I can walk away he grabs my arms and with the help of his friends pull me out of the club.

‘Help Peter is here and they are dragging me out of the club’ I mind link everyone. Right now I am too scared to even think right all I can think about is freshman year.

‘Aria where are they taking you’ Jade asks.

‘Back alley hurry and get the guys’ I reply feeling myself lock up. It’s like I’m not in control my body is just frozen.

‘I’ll get them just hang on’ she says and I can hear her panic.

“As I was saying I want to talk about us” he says with a smirk.

“As I told you inside there hasn’t been an us since you and your minions decided to do that shit to me freshman year” I say putting back up my front.

“Well that’s where you are wrong babe you are mine and will always belong to me” he says and I see his eyes turning red. What the hell. He stalks over to me and before I can protect myself two of his minions grab me while he punches me in the stomach and then in the face. “I will teach you to ever disobey me and try to leave me again.” As he raises his hand I close my eyes waiting for the impact but instead I hear screaming and a loud thud. I feel both minions throw me against the wall and I hit my head really hard. I open my eyes to see all of my boys fighting Peter and his minions and Jade, along with the other girls, running to my side. As soon as I know I’m safe with them I let the darkness consume me.

Jade’s POV:

After Aria, Chase, and Chad finish their song Hanna and Layla run up to their mates and I know they accepted them by the intense make out session. I laugh and shake my head if Conner did that I would be the same way. I’m glade now everyone in our little family is mated and hopefully it will take some of the tension and jealousy away.

 I walk around trying to find Conner at the bar and see a very pretty girl trying to flirt with him. I’m happy to see he is ignoring her but it still pisses me off she doesn’t take the hint. I walk over, push past her, grab Conner and kiss him with everything I have. As I pull away I look back at the girl who is just glaring at me and I smirk.

“Awe are you jealous babe? You know I wasn’t even looking at her, I only love you” Conner says.

“I know but I can act like I’m two sometimes because I don’t share especially my man” I say. He just smiles and grabs me kissing me again.

“I think you are so cute when you’re mad and jealous” he whispers in my ear sending a pleasurable shiver down my spine.

‘Help Peter is here and they are dragging me out of the club’ Aria says through our mind link. It takes me a second to realize that she is talking about the guy from her freshman year.

‘Aria where are they taking you’ I ask being the only one who has put two and two together.

‘Back alley, hurry and get the guys’ she replies and I can feel her fear.

‘I’ll get them just hang on’ I tell her knowing I am panicking.

“Babe what’s wrong” Conner asks me.

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