Chapter 26

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Warning this chapter switches POV'S a few times i hope it doesn't throw you off. Also there is a suprise at the end. Enjoy :) <3

P.S. I do NOT own any rights or ownership to any songs i have used in this chapter. 

Okay now you can enjoy :) <3


Aria’s POV:

As we walk into the club Alex and Xavier won’t leave my side, not that I’m complaining or anything. We all find a table and order drinks. After about 3 shots each all of girls grab our mates and head out onto the dance floor. Dancing between my two hunky men I can’t help the smile and blush that come up on my face. I quickly look down hope neither of them notices but of course Alex does.

“Why are you blushing Princess” he whispers in my ear sending a shiver down my spine.

“Just thinking how yummy you two look” I whisper back.

“And you look just as yummy” Xavier says in my other ear nibbling on it. I can’t suppress the moan that comes out making both of my boys grip me harder. Just as things were getting a little too hot the DJ grabs the mic.

“Can I have everyone’s attention please, I need Aria Santos up to the stage your group is ready to perform.” I look at the guys confused but make my way up to the stage to see Jade and Cole waiting for me. What have they gotten me into? As I walked up onto the stage I could feel Alex and Xavier staring at me along with the rest of our little pack, no one knows we can sing and very well I might add.

“What song are we singing” I whisper to them as they put me in the middle and hand me a microphone.

“You’ll see” Jade whispers smiling. As soon as Jade starts singing I recognize the song as Better Than I know Myself by Adam Lambert.


Cold as ice

And more bitter than a December

Winter night

That's how I treated you

And I know that I

I sometimes tend to lose my temper

And I cross the line

Yeah that's the truth


I know it gets hard sometimes

But I could never

Leave your side

No matter what I say

Aria, Jade, & Cole

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now,

But I really need you near me to

Keep my mind off the edge

If I wanted to leave I would have left by now

But you're the only one that knows me

Better than I know myself


All along

I tried to pretend it didn't matter

If I was alone

But deep down I know

If you were gone

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