Chapter 2

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 As we get to the house Jade groans.

“What’s wrong” I ask.

“I don’t have any clothes” she sighs.

 I laugh “I think I have some clothes that will fit you and I have a few dresses if the pants don’t fit.”

“Oh okay cool then never mind” she says as we all laugh.

“Well good cause we are here” Cole says as we walk up to our cozy little one story 4 bedroom house. We walk in and we can hear the guys are already home and they brought friends as well.

“Well, well, well, look who is finally home we ordered pizza for dinner but I don’t know what you guys are having” says Travis.

“I’m cooking us three dinner” I tell them.

“What is she doing here” Trent growls.

 “She is our friend and we invited her here she will be staying the night and the three of us will be sleeping in my room so get over yourselves” I growl back.

“She can’t stay we have that thing tonight” Carter grinds out.

“Well we aren’t going you five have fun” Cole answers.

“This is not up for discussion you two are going with us” Seth barks out using his alpha command.

“Well then Jade is coming with us she is a wolf as well and we are only going for a run and no more arguing” I say getting angrier by the minute. “And don’t you even start Nick I was in a good mood till I had to come home and deal with you assholes she will know everything by tonight and you can’t do anything about it cause I know you already told your alpha friend Sam and his dad so ha. Come on guys lets go to my room do our homework and then we will explain things to you Jade.” We leave my brothers fuming in the living room.

We get to my room and Jade says “I didn’t mean to get you guys into trouble.”

“It’s ok we would have gotten into trouble for something else anyways but you are worth it” Cole tells her.

We all smile and get to work on our homework. 2 hours later and we are finally finished.

 “Why don’t I go make us all dinner and then we can eat in the room and talk cause I am starving” I suggest. They nod their heads in agreement and I walk out of the room to the kitchen. As I am waking down the hall I hear my brothers having a heated discussion about me and Cole.

“I told you we should have left them in the last city we were at” Travis says.

“No matter what they are still our brother and sister we can’t abandon them like that” Nick pipes in.

“Yes we can and we should have” I hear Trent add. What have we done that was so wrong to them I think.

“We need to talk later” I say through my mind link with Cole and then shut him out.

 As I tune back in I hear Seth say “well they don’t have to come with us they have their own money they can keep the house we will except the pack and move into the pack house that way we can be rid of them but they will still be close.”

 That works the others agree in unison.

I turn and walk back to the room.

 “I thought you were making dinner” Jade says as I open the door. I shut the door and slide down it.

Cole jumps up and comes to me “what’s wrong?”

“We need to tell jade everything and then we have some decisions to make” I tell him while staring at the wall.

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