Chapter 34

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Julian’s POV:

After putting Aria into bed and giving her the healing herb I sneak off to go and see Lucian, Jasper, and Mark. Walking past some guards I tell them I need to make sure all the equipment is ready for the battle and they nod their approval. As I walk away I hear them whispering about Aria and how she is going to lose and I smirk. If only they knew what she was half capable of they would be betting for her not against her. I know she is capable of so much more than she has shown me but I understand her not trusting me, I mean I did kidnap the poor girl. Lost in thought I almost miss the almost invisible trail. Almost invisible because if you didn’t know it was there you wouldn’t see it. I turn and walk down the trail to a cave and make my way inside. This cave has a hidden passage that I take to the underground house that her father and the others are living in.

“Julian finally there you are” Lucian says coming to greet me.

“Lucian good to see you are you all ready for tomorrow night?”

“Yes we are. How is my daughter?”                                              

“She will be better in the morning. Balthazar tried to have his way with her but she fought him off till I got there. She is strong Lucian you will be proud and what she tells me about all her brothers you will all be proud” I tell him.

“What do you mean all her brothers she only has two” Jasper asks.

“They all claim each other as siblings. They all took the same last name and tell everyone they are brothers and sisters, so when I talk about you three to her she calls you all her fathers” I reply and see the pride and happiness in all their eyes.

“Well we will come for her tomorrow after her fight while everyone is caught up in the moment so be ready for us” Mark says changing the plan.

“See you boys tomorrow and be careful ok” I say as I leave and make my way back to the field to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow.


I wake up to the sound of excitement bouncing off the walls. Today is the day of the fight between Aria and Lazar and her rescue by her fathers. I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom attached to my room to take a shower. After my shower I quickly get dressed and walk out to go check on Aria and make sure she is up and getting ready.

“Aria you awake” I ask through the door and when I get no answer I open it. Looking around the room I don’t see her so I walk in. Just as I walk in she walks out of her bathroom in a towel. “I’m sorry I knocked and when you didn’t answer I had to come check on you.”

“It’s okay let me change quickly and we can go get breakfast” she says walking into her closet. As she walks back out I look at her stomach and can’t help but stare. I didn’t notice her walk in front of me until she picked up my hand and placed it on her stomach. “You can’t feel anything yet but there is a little person in there I know it and it is lucky to have you as an uncle” she says smiling at me.

“I couldn’t be an uncle I kidnapped it’s mother” I try to reason but keep my hand there.

“You also are training me and keeping me safe that counts for something” she says and I smile at her.

I kneel down and whisper to her stomach “you boys better be good to your mommy.”

“How do you know it’s a boy and more than one at that” she asks.

“I just have a feeling” I reply. “You ready for breakfast and then to train a little before the fight?”

“Yeah let’s go” she says and we walk down to the kitchen.

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