Chapter 23

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Xavier’s POV:

I couldn’t help but laugh along with Alex at Aria’s excitement. She came running back to the room and straight to the bathroom locking the door behind her before starting the shower.

“Well since we weren’t invited we should go eat something” I say to Alex still laughing.

“Yeah” He agrees still laughing as well. We walk out of the room and here 4 other showers going and we can tell all the girls are getting ready. As we walk down the stairs to the kitchen we hear the guys in the kitchen already. We walk in and everyone goes quiet and glares at us.

“Morning” Alex and I say looking at all of them. We know they are pissed about last night and they have every right to be.

“Just because Aria forgave you and you both marked her doesn’t mean we forgive you for what you did last night” Cole says.

“We know and we apologize. You know it’s harder for us to let someone else help our mate and we didn’t realize it was that bad” Alex apologizes.

“Well like we told the girls you are forgiven but don’t ever put her in that kind of danger and pain again” Conner says through gritted teeth. That is when I truly realize how connected everyone is even though they have only known each other for about a month.

“We would never do that intentionally” I answer.

“Don’t care if it’s intentional or not if we say let us help her you do it until we are sure you can help her” Chase chimes in.

“Fine” we sigh in defeat. Just as we are done with our conversation the girls start to come down the stairs one by one. Crissy walks in first and smiles at Alex and I, I mean we’ve known each other since we were all very little. Crissy is wearing pink and playing with her pink phone, Olivia comes in next wearing yellow and playing with her phone. About 5 minutes later Aria and Jade walk in with linked arms, Aria is wearing red short shorts and a black spaghetti strap shirt and black and red Nike’s, while jade is wearing black short shorts and a dark purple spaghetti strap and black and purple Nike’s. I can’t help but look at my mate with lust and I see Alex is having the same problem.

“What are you two wearing” Conner asks never taking his eyes off of Jade.

“Clothes” they answer in unison and giggle.

“Not very much clothes” Alex, Conner, and I groan at the same time. In return we hear more giggling and some snickering from the other guys.

“Well we are almost ready to go shopping” Aria says smirking.

“You are not going out like that” I half yell.

“Well if some boys would get ready they could go too” Jade says smirking as well. With that all of us guys jump up and run to the stairs to get ready.

“We leave in 45 minutes” Aria yells. I run into our room and lay out my clothes.

“I’m gonna go take a shower in the guest room across the hall Alex says grabbing his things and walking out. I shrug my shoulders and go to get ready.

Aria’s POV:

As all the guys run up the stairs to get ready all of us girls giggle. After 10 minutes I realize I still have to at least give Alex his phone and a phone to Xavier I don’t know if they will take them seeing as they already have phones but I’ll try.

“Crissy do you happen to know Xavier’s favorite color” I ask her.

“I think its artic blue why?”

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