Chapter 25

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Chase’s POV:

I sat back and watched Aria tell everyone off. I wish they would understand that sometimes people don’t want pity and to be smothered because it makes them feel worse. I guess I had zoned out because the next thing I know Aria is getting on the back of my bike. I don’t wait I start the bike and take off. I don’t know where we are going and I don’t think she really cared either as long as it was away from everyone else.

After about 20 minutes I saw a park just up ahead so I pulled over and we got of my bike. As we walked to a park bench that was away from everyone else she linked her arm with mine and put her head on my shoulder. I smile and put my head on top of hers. As we sit down she pulls out her phone and calls someone while I get lost in my own thoughts.

I think back to the day we met and I knew instantly that she was about to become something important in my life and she has. She has become my sister and best friend. There are things I’ve gone through that I would never tell anyone else but her. I think back to the day my mate chose her betrothed over me, I think about how my father told me I was nothing and my mate rejecting me proved it, and I think about my mother just watching and never stepping in. I look down at my wrist and think about all the times I cut to take the pain away but the stupid fast healing always took away the scars, just because you can’t see them on the surface doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I remember Makala, the girl who looked past everything and told me I was hurting her when I did what I did. The day I left was the day she found her mate and I had to let her go so she could be happy with someone who could give her everything I couldn’t. I don’t know how long I was lost because the next thing I know Aria’s small hand is on my wrist.

“How long” she asked and I knew what she was talking about.

“Since my mate rejected me. That’s when the beatings got worse and it made everything disappear for a little while. My mother wouldn’t do anything just watch. I had one person  who cared back then and I stopped because she said I was hurting her also. She found her mate and I decided it was time to leave. So that’s what I did I left with Chad and we met up with Jack, Conner, and Max along the way” I say looking at her hand still on my wrist.

“You don’t do it anymore do you” she asked quietly.

“Not since we joined your pack. I couldn’t protect you if I couldn’t stop hurting myself” I whisper back.

“I don’t do it anymore either” she confesses. My head snapped up and I look at her in shock. “I didn’t start till after what happened with Peter freshman year. After what happened everything changed. I felt like I couldn’t trust any guy not even my brothers, I couldn’t talk to anyone. I mean yeah I started training at the local gym with the MMA fighters because I never wanted to feel vulnerable and useless again. I found a Pack in each town we lived in and would find someone to train me in wolf form as well. But none of that helped with the emotional pain. Then one by one my brothers started to pull away too. First it was Trent, then Travis, Carter, Seth, and Nick followed their lead. The only person I had left was Cole. He never once left my side. I don’t know what I would have done if I had been on my own completely. One day I was in the kitchen and I was using a knife and I sliced my hand and that was when I noticed it took away all the other pain. I would do it at night when my brothers were asleep and no one could hear my silent cries” she whispers the last part now looking at her own wrist. I look down and see 2 scars that I hadn’t noticed before and touched them lightly. “Those were the only 2 I cut deep enough that they scared and no one ever noticed except Cole. I don’t think to this day that the others even paid attention to them” she says still looking down.

“You have me now and I know Chad too. We will be by your side along with Cole no matter what” I tell her kissing the top of her head. I had no idea she was scared on the inside just like me. Like I said earlier just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

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