Chapter 33

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Aria’s POV:

I’ve been here for 4 days now and have not tried to run once. What the hell is wrong with that picture? I did promise Julian I wouldn’t run if he was to train me and be my guard. When I looked into his eyes I knew he was telling the truth but I have no idea how he knows my father or mother but I plan on asking him tonight. Yes I have come to terms and accepted that Lucian is my father. I have been training for 3 days and according to Julian I am a fast learner. I have learned to control all the elements, no they don’t know I can create fire, they think I can just manipulate it. I have learned how to focus, control, and utilized all my energy, which has helped me with all the powers I have. I practice on my own in private so no one will find out my other gifts. I have tried mind linking everyone and I can’t. I think there is some type of spell or force field around this compound that’s why no one else can find it. I have though been able to feel them and know that they feel me and that I am ok. It is now Thursday and I am happy to say I have only been beaten once for snapping at Balthazar and true to his word Julian was there to stop it before he could kill me and no one has touched me either. I have been protecting my stomach at all times but no one has seemed to notice.

“Where is Balthazar” I ask the servant in the room.

“He is in his study Miss, would you like me to see if he has a minute for you”

“Yes please”

She smiles a small smile and walks out of the room. I go and look out the window and down below are some of the other warriors training.

“He will see you Miss.” I smile at her and walk to Balthazar’s study. I still get nervous around him he makes my skin crawl, and not in a good way. I walk to the door and knock.

“Come in Sweetheart.” I hate when he calls me that. “What can I do for you?”

“I was wondering if I could go watch the warrior training with Julian of course. I want to see the fighting styles up close from the room I can’t really see” I ask looking straight at him. He hates it when I don’t look at him when I’m talking.

“I don’t see why not. I knew you were going to start feeling comfortable around here” he says with his sadistic smile. I give him a half smile and ask “where is Julian?”

“There he is. Julian you will be taking Aria out to watch the other warriors practice and talk to her about their fighting styles” he instructs and then dismisses us. We quickly make our way out of the room and down the hall to the backyard.

“You really didn’t want to talk about the fighting styles did you, because we have already covered half of these” he asks me as we walk around pretending to pay attention.

“No I didn’t I wanted to know how you know my father”

“Ah, he is one of my close friends” he says as we both nod to a Sargent as he passes.

“You said is not was, does that mean he is still alive” I ask hoping he is, it would be nice to have a parent even at 18 years late.

“He is and so are Jasper and Mark. They are actually planning on getting you out of here soon” he tells me and we watch the warriors intently as we can feel Balthazar now watching us. Julian steps behind me to work on my movement for one of the fighting tactics I haven’t really practiced yet. “You need to keep doing what you are doing and don’t piss him off okay.”

“So you’re telling me that you have talked to my fathers and they will be coming to get me, when?”

“Hopefully everything will be ready tomorrow so just be patient.”

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