Chapter 18

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So all the prices in this chapter are just guesses and not real prices. There is a real place called Rock Bottom Restaurant & Brewery and i have no ownership of the name or place. I just googled it. Enjoy!!! PLEASE COMMENT!!!


Aria’s POV:

2 AM

I groan as I hear the alarm go off that I set on Alex’s phone. I turn off the alarm and go to get out of bed when I pulled back against a hard chest. “Alex I have to wake everyone up so we can get ready to go” I whine.

“Use your minds link” he grumbles. Right how could I forget about that.

‘WAKE YOUR ASSES UP AND GET READY PLANE LEAVES AT 4 AND WE NEED TO BE THERE AT 3’ I yell into everyone’s minds. I get grunts and grumbles in return but everyone is getting ready.

“Come on Lover Boy we need to get up and get ready too” I say looking at Alex. He opens his eyes and looks at me. I give him a quick peck and jump out of bed to get ready. He growls at me and I giggle as I walk into the bathroom and take a quick shower. When I walk out Alex looks me up and down before giving me a kiss and going into the bathroom for his shower. Once we are down we go out into the hall to meet everyone. After everyone is ready we head down to the cars and to the airport.

After we arrive to the airport Cole and I walk over and turn over the cars that we rented. Walking back to the others we all go over to the security check point. Once we passed that, with no problems, we only had about 15 minutes before our plane boards. Seeing no line at Starbucks I look at Jade and we pull Alex and Conner over making them chuckle and soon everyone is right behind us.

Once we order Alex pays for everyone, now I was going to pay but while I was getting my card out he beat me to it, GRR. After getting our drinks we walk to our gate as they are calling for the first to board and I go stand in line.

“Aria it’s for first class passengers” Chase says sleepily.

“I know I bought us all first class tickets. I know we are not going to be on here long but I want to be comfortable” I say and all their eyes open wide and they look at their tickets.

“You know how much these cost” Chad says still looking at his ticket.

“Duh I paid for them so yeah I know how much they were and besides I didn’t make a dent in my money so stop complaining” I say getting annoyed. Alex comes over and hugs me from behind wrapping his arms around my waist. I sigh and lean into him. Why do I feel so drawn to him. As if he knew what I was thinking he whispers “I’ll explain everything soon” in my ear making me shiver. He then kisses my neck where my neck meets my shoulder which is my weak spot and I moan making him smirk.

 “Asshole” I say pulling away from him and walking over to Jade. When they start letting us on the plane we all go sit down the mates sitting with each other and Chad and Chase sit together leaving me to sit with Alex.

“I’m sorry for embaressing you” he whispers to me.

“Whatever, I just want to sleep” I say turning my head away from him. He sighs and turns to talk to Chad and Chase. After about waiting another half an hour we finally take-off. After the fasten seatbelt sign goes off I feel Alex lift up the armrest between us and take off my seatbelt. I try to protest but he just pulls me to him and I feel so safe I don’t want to fight it. I snuggle into him and drift off to sleep. I don’t know how long it’s been but I wake up to Alex telling me to put on my seatbelt, we are landing. I look at the time and it's a little after 6am. After the plane lands it takes us another 45 minutes to get off the plane, grab our luggage, and rent two cars. After loading our suitcases we all decide on Denny's for breakfast. We find one close to the auto mall seeing as we all want to buy our own cars.

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