Chapter 21

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Aria’s POV:

I wake up and I have no idea where I am. I look around and notice all my brothers bleeding after being tortured. I go to help them but I realize I can’t move something is holding me back. I look and I am chained to a wall. I scream and the same guy from my dream earlier comes in and laughs.

“I told you sweetheart you can’t run from me and since you tried to they will pay the price” he sneers.

“No don’t touch them” I growl. The laugh he gives me is pure sinister.

“You all really shouldn’t have separated sweetheart it made you more vulnerable.”

“How the hell do you know about that” I say confused.

“Because I’m the one who gave Trent those dreams and he fell for them” he laughs.

“Fuck you go to hell” I yell at him and then he pulls out a cat-of-nine-tails whip. It’s got 9 different straps with silver laced wolfs bane nails on the end of each strap. He pulls the whip back and with as much force he can whips me on my back. I go to scream out but nothing comes out.

“Look at what you made me do sweetheart” he says. I look up and he pulls out a gun and starts shooting my brothers one by one. I don’t know where I get the strength from but I am able to pull the chains out of the wall and move to attack him. He laughs his sinister laugh and everything fades away and I am left standing in my room. I feel like I am not in control of my own body like I can’t control my power. I feel like I want to rip something or someone to pieces. I make my way out of my room and down the stairs fighting for control.

Sam’s POV:

I walked up the stairs to check on Aria and she is still sleeping. I can't help but think of Aria as my little sister. She has done so much for me and has been there for me and she's only known me for a few weeks. She puts on this tuff girl act but when she's with us she is the sweetest goofball ever. Besides her and Cole are almost joined at the hip they take care of each other.

As I enter the living room everyone is watching tv but are on edge. Conner has Jade in his lap sitting next to Cole, Max, Chad, and Chase. Olivia is sitting next to Crissy who is sitting on Nick's lap. Nick looks like he wants to be with the others and sitting next to him are Xavier and Alex.

"Okay what did I miss" I say to everyone.

"They think that if something happens with Aria from now on we need to stay out of it" Jade growls. Boy is she pissed.

"It should be that way because they are her mates not any of you" Olivia says and Crissy agrees with her.

Nick then says "I don't agree" and he picks Crissy up off his lap sets her on the couch and walks over to sit next to Cole. "There are things about her you don't know or understand yet" he says trying to make them understand.

"We will learn but you will back off" Xavier grinds out.

Just as I'm about to jump in I hear someone on the stairs. I look up and it's Aria but she doesn't look okay.

"Aria what's wrong" I ask her.

"Max" is all she says before she starts shaking.

"Max, Aria needs you" I say not taking my eyes off of her. Before Max can even stand Xavier and Alex at in front of Aria and Olivia is trying to keep Mac away. Shit this is not good.

"Sweetheart what's wrong you need to relax" Alex says.

"What did you just call me" Aria says getting more furious. "Don't ever call me that again" she says starting to shake even harder.

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