Chapter 13

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Here is Chapter 13 guys hope you enjoy. Please Comment and let me know what you think. 


Max’s POV:

After leaving Aria, with what is probably the best kiss ever, I run to find jade for her help. I am going to plan the perfect first date for Aria and I. As I walk up to Conner, Jade comes out of one of the gift shops.

“Jade I need your help” I say out of breath since I was running to find them.

“With what, what’s wrong” she says worriedly.

“I need help planning the perfect first date for Aria.”

She smiles and says “of course I’ll help you plan a date with my best friend.”

I smile back “let’s do this.”

We walk back to the hotel to use their internet room for guest and use a computer. I sit down to the side Jade sits in front of the computer and Conner sits on her other side. As we start looking for something to do in Anaheim nothing really catches my attention.

“Why don’t we look for something you two can do in San Jose and we can leave here tonight” Jade suggest.

“That’s fine with me we should talk with the others first though” I answer. I was just about to mind link Aria when Nick starts to walk through the lobby.

“Hey Nick where is Aria and Cole” Conner asks seeing him first.

“Cole was comforting Aria and I think they both fell asleep.”

“Oh we were thinking of asking if we could leave early and go to San Jose tonight. I want to take Aria on a date tomorrow and thought San Jose would be better” I said.

“You mean I thought it would be better” Jade says.

“Yeah ok Jade thought of it” I say rolling my eyes.

“Well I don’t see why not Aria loves San Jose. I’ll pack our stuff while you guys plan and I’ll have Sam pack his and Cole’s things because Cole is sleeping. Oh and I’ll mind link Chad and Chase to pack their things as well.”

“Thanks Nick it means a lot I want this to be perfect.”

“No problem” he smiles at me.

“I’ll go pack our things while you help Max” Conner says while bending over to give Jade a kiss.

“Thank you babe” she says smiling.

Man he is so whipped but I would be too if I had my mate. Thinking about her and how she chose Xavier over me. She said it was because it was what her family wanted but I could tell she really just wanted to be the next princess and eventually queen. She didn’t want to be with me, even though I was the lead guard to Xavier and highly respected.

“What are you thinking Max” I hear Jade say breaking me out of my thoughts.

“About my mate and how she chose my best friend over me.”

“What that is horrible. I am so sorry Max” Jade says giving me a hug.

“Yeah but if she would have chosen me I wouldn’t have met Aria, and besides Chad and Chase’s mates did the same to them. How do you think we all ended up together? We all let together pretending to look for our mates.”

“Oh my god those bitches don’t know what they are missing out on” Jade smiles.

“Yeah well, anyway let’s plan this date.” With that we got down to business. After about an hour of non-stop searching I decided I didn’t want to take her to a restaurant. I wanted to do something for her that was special even if it is a little cliché. We decided that after our date that we would meet up with everyone at a club.

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