Chapter 32

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This chapter does have a spicy scean between Alex and Xavier! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! Carry on!! <3


Julian’s (Kidnapper) POV:

“I have the girl we are on the way to the compound and you better be ready to explain” I say before hanging up the phone. What could he want with this girl and why does she look so familiar? Lost in my thoughts the drive seemed shorter than normal. Pulling up into the driveway I park my car next to his limo. I climb out and go to pick up the girl. For some reason this seems worse than all the other jobs I’ve done for him. I feel like this is going to end everything I’ve worked for if he goes through with whatever he has planned. He will tell me his plan now that I have her and maybe I can stop him. I pick her up and carry her to the front door which swings open the second I reach the top step.

“He’s waiting for you. Is that the girl” the butler asks trying to get a look at her.

“None of your business” I hiss and push past him.

“There is my favorite contractor” the devil himself says walking into the room smiling.

“Here I am with the girl you wanted unharmed” I reply staying professional.

“Thank you I want any damage to be done by me alone.”

“Of course I’ve worked with you long enough to know when damage is and isn’t acceptable.”

“Well why don’t you go lay her in her new room and there is a chain to chain her right arm to the bed and wall. When you are finished I will tell you everything you want to know. Hans will show you to her room.”

I follow Hans to her new room and it is in the main house down the hall from his bedroom. As I enter the room I am horrified. It looks like a normal room but with bars and padlocks on the windows and chains and locks all along the bed to hold someone down in any position. I walk to the bed and lay her down as gently as I can. God what is wrong with me I’ve never been like this with any of the others. I normally throw them on the bed chain them and leave but with her I can’t. After laying her down I chain her right arm like instructed but while Hans isn’t looking I take all the locks from the other chains so they can’t use them on her. I stand up and walk back out after hiding the locks.

“I hope he lets some of us have fun with this one” I hear Hans whisper and it takes everything in me to not turn around and kill him.

“So about my answers” I say walking into the study where I know he is.

“Sit and I will explain. Victoria dear go to my room and stay there” he says to the girl who was under his desk.

“But baby” she whines and he grabs her hair forcing her up.

“Go now and you will be punished for questioning me” he growls and she shivers in fear. “Hans take her and you may use her” as he says this, the girls eyes widen in horror “oh and take Tiffany up to my room as well” he says with an evil smile.

“Yes Sir” Hans says smirking grabbing the girl and dragging her out while she struggles. He shuts the door as he leaves with the girl.

“So now you are wondering who the girl is and what is so important and special about her” he says looking at me.

“Well since you mentioned it” I say nonchalantly.

“Very well, you remember Trinity and Lucian right” I nod and he continues “she is their daughter.” I keep my composer but my insides instantly twist. Their kids were still alive and I just gave him Lucian’s daughter. "Now since she has the power of both her mother and father and is more powerful than her brothers she is going to be my perfect weapon. I am going to break her and use her to take over and over throw the originals" he finishes. Great what have I done? I'll just have to stay and protect her as much as I can and I'll somehow get to her father to tell him.

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