Chapter 20

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Xavier’s POV:

I can’t believe I met my mate and within an hour she accepted us, fought with Stacy, got stabbed and is now unconscious, not in that order though. As we got in Conner’s car Alex sat in front and I got stuck in the back with Stacy. I can’t stand her right now my demon and vampire side want her blood on our hands but I know I can’t do that because of who her parents are but trust me if she ever pulls this again I will be the one to kill her or let Aria do it. I smirk looking at how much my mate fucked her up. Stacy has a black eye, busted lip, probably some broken busted ribs and probably a concussion. I guess it’s a good thing she heals fast but I wish she would suffer more because she deserved what she got.

After we arrive to the airport I walk in buy Stacy’s ticket, for her straight trip home, and walk her to her gate. We watch her board and as soon as we see the plane take off we run back to Conner’s car. We all jump in and Conner speeds off to the new pack house, which I learn is between 30-45 minutes away I mean come on.

‘I can’t believe this can we just be there already’ Alex fumes.

‘Relax we need to be calm for Aria’ I say.

‘How do you expect me to be calm when our mate was passed out when we left her and I’m still pissed of that Cole took her from me’ he says trying to calm down by taking deep breaths.

‘I know but remember we just met her and he is her brother’ I remind him.

‘I know just a control thing. You do realize that some of them don’t know we are Princes’ he says laughing.

‘I know we will tell the others not to say anything if we are not too late’ I say not wanting to freak Aria out even more.

“Well you two stop conversing through mind link its annoying hearing the snickering” Conner says rolling his eyes.

“Hey Conner can you ask everyone not to tell Aria we are Princes because I’m pretty sure everyone knows by now” Alex says. I look at Conner and I’m confused he joined their pack?

“You joined their pack” I ask him.

“Yeah I did and Max did as well. Well we joined after Aria kicked our asses” he says laughing at the memory. “Oh they said Aria came around for a few minutes but she is passed out again and they won’t say anything to her they don’t want to stress her out anymore” he sighs. “You guys really need to be patient with her okay and I’m serious she has been through hell and that’s just been this week and a half I’ve known her” he says stressing.

“Don’t worry Conner we got it covered” I say getting out of the car seeing as we have arrived. I got to admit this place is nice.

“Aria bought the place and then she had some things added” a girl says coming out to greet Conner. I’m guessing she is his mate.

“How is she” Conner asks as he gives her a kiss. Man I never thought I’d see him whipped. What am I saying I’m going to be just as whipped if not more.

“She’s healing now. As soon as we got home the guys got her awake to drink and then she passed back out and the healing process started” she answered.

“Wait drink what” Alex and I say.

“Hey Jade why don’t you go inside and let us talk to them for a minute” Max says walking out with Chad and Chase. The girl, Jade, nods gives Conner one more kiss and the guys give her a hug before she walks back in the house.

“Well isn’t this a site for sore eyes the group all back together” I say smirking. They all stand in a defense position with arms crossed.

“Look you may still be our Princes’ but if you hurt her we will not hesitate to attack” Chase says first.

“Are you serious she is our mate we would never hurt her” Alex exclaims.

“We know that but we have to have the talk because she is not only our Alpha now but the future princess and is considered our sister so again we will fight for her” Chad says.

“And to top it off if we can’t kick your ass she can cause she took out these two plus Conner and Jack all on the first day they met because they tried to take Jade away” Max says smirking.

“How come she didn’t attack you” I ask Max.

“Because she is coming into some kick ass power and I was the only one who could help her control it” he explains.

“Oh and what was this about you ditching her on your supposed first date” I ask accusingly even though I am thankful they didn’t go on the date.

“Well what happened was I was with the guys setting up the date and ran into Stacy and she said that you two were over because you had found your mate. Well she kept touching me and the sparks kept driving me crazy. The next thing I know Aria comes in the room in that sexy dress and she slapped me” Max explains. “The only thing I’m complaining about is not getting one last kiss” he jokes and I know he’s joking because of the look in his eye.

“Yeah well you got your mate now so stay away from ours” I say. Just then we all hear an ear piercing scream and the guys take off into the house with Alex and I right behind them. We all run into Aria’s room and see Cole taking Aria from Nick and cradling her. As she whimpers and puts her head on Cole’s shoulder I can’t tell wether to be pissed because that should be us or heartbroken at the sounds coming from my mate.

‘I feel the same’ Alex says.

“What happened” I ask.

“On top of healing having nightmares” Cole says. He closes his eyes and puts his head on hers and she clings to him but soon she is calm enough and he pulls away. “Let’s go talk in the living room” he suggests.

“Before I forget what did you have Aria drink to help her heal” I ask remembering no one ever told us.

“Mine, Nick, Jade, and Sam’s blood” Cole says like it’s nothing.

“What are you serious” I ask shocked.

“Yes and get used to it because once our other brothers join us and any of us get hurt it helps heal us” Nick says.

“This is so weird” Alex says.

“Don’t worry we will help get you through this” they laugh.

“What was Aria’s nightmare about” Alex asks and Cole goes pale.

“It’s not my place to tell you” Cole says and then excuses himself.

Aria’s POV:


I am walking through the woods and I hear Jade and Sam screaming for help. I try to run to help them but I feel like I have been drugged. I look and the plants are all reaching out to me trying to restrain me. I fight cutting and pulling at the vines and branches.

“Awe my sweet don’t fight it” I hear an evil voice say to me.

“Who the hell are you and what do you want with me” I yell at him looking around but I can’t see anyone. A figure steps out of the shadows and he is hideous. He has red slick skin with some black markings I can’t make out, black eyes, and sharp teeth. He looks like the type of things nighmares are made of.

“Now Aria, my sweet, do not fight me or I will make you suffer” he sneers. “You will accept me as your mate.”

“I already have a mate. Two actually and I already accepted them” I say sneering at him.

“You bitch” he screams and takes his long nails and cuts me across my stomach making me scream out in pain. As I scream and whimper he laughs.

The next thing I know is I’m being lifted and cradled in someone’s arms. As I put my head on their shoulder and breath in their scent. I can tell its Cole. I feel him put his head on mine and he enters my dream. As soon as he is there everything disappears but not before the man says “I will be back for you Aria and I will have you and make you mine. You are a powerful weapon and I intend to use you.” With that I drift back off into the blackness.


Sorry this chapter is so short i swear it was longer in word. Oh well hope you liked it. Please Comment. :)

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