Chapter 24

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Nick’s POV:

I can’t believe she is still thinking about that bastard. What the hell did they so to her to make her think of that?

‘Conner, ask them what the hell did they do to her this morning’ I say with my anger seeping through.

‘Xavier said when she came to the room he was getting dressed and then she started rambling so he kissed her. Oh and then Alex said when she came into the room he was using to take a shower, it was pretty much the same thing and then she ran out’ he explained.

‘Fuck’ I say and hit the steering wheel.

‘Why, what is wrong they didn’t mean to upset her’ he says a little worried. Well might as well tell them they are her mates.

Conner’s POV:

‘Conner, ask them what the hell did they do to her this morning’ Nick says through our mind link and I can feel the anger seeping through.

‘Xavier said when she came to the room he was getting dressed and then she started rambling so he kissed her. Oh and then Alex said when she came into the room he was using to take a shower, it was pretty much the same thing and then she ran out’ I explained.

‘Fuck’ he says and I can feel he has gotten angrier.

‘Why, what is wrong they didn’t mean to upset her’ I say a little worried, I mean I consider Aria my sister so if it’s something bad I wanna know.

‘She is going to kill me for tell you this but I want them to know so they understand and can help her’ he says taking a pause.

‘I swear I’ll tell them and we won’t say a word to the others’ I reassure him.

‘No I think I will tell everyone’ he says and I can feel the mind link being open between everyone except Aria.

‘Nick what the hell do you think you are doing? It is not our place to tell everyone and you know when she finds out she’ll be pissed and probably kick your ass’ Cole says seething pissed.

‘They have a right to know and then Xavier and Alex will understand and hopefully can help her because we can’t’ he defends.

‘Fine but this was all your idea I had nothing to do with this’ Cole sighs putting up his wall.

‘Okay so explain’ Max says.

‘Well our freshman year of High School, which started in Maryland there was this popular boy named Peter and he had taken an interest in Aria. She ignored his attempts of asking her out for like a month or two but she finally gave in. He took her out that Friday.

After he picked her up that night we could tell something was off but we just brushed it off. It wasn’t till 20 minutes later that Aria’s feelings came through to us and she was scared shitless. We asked her where she was and she told us he had taken her to the old abandon house in the woods. We didn’t wait any longer we took off into the wood shifting as soon as we entered. We ran as fast as we could and when we reached the house we could hear Aria crying and then a sickening crack. We shifted back and ran to the door. Since Seth was the first one there he threw open the door and what we saw still breaks my heart and haunts me till this day. Aria was laying in the corner bloodied and bruised being held by 2 other popular boys.

After that Seth, Travis, and Carter lost it. Eventually we got them to stop beating the guys up because they were going to end up killing them, not like that would have been a bad thing but we really didn’t need any trouble. Aria then whispered Carter’s name and he immediately jumped up and ran to her. He picked her up gently and cradled her to him. He carried her all the way home and ended up staying with her all night because of the nightmares and she didn’t want to be alone. After that she focused on training because she said she never wanted to be that vulnerable and weak ever again. To this day we don’t really know what he said or did besides she was so stupid for thinking that anybody would want an ugly, stupid, bitch like her’ Nick finished.

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