Chap 2

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Ji An's pov
"do you need me to give you a lift to your school?" Jisoo offered. she stayed overnight here so her manager was here to bring her back which was why she offered to get me a lift to school because her manager can drive me there as well.

"nah , it's fine." i said. there's a reason why i said that. because i was going to meet up with Jinyoung , my boyfriend , and head to school together.

"okay then , study hard alright? i'll come and visit when i can." Jisoo hugged me and left. after making sure i packed all my things into my bag , i went to the bus stop where Jinyoung asked to meet.

let me tell you more about how me and Jinyoung met at first. on the first day of college , since everyone was new to one another , we did tons of ice-breaker games to start knowing each other.

at that time , i was scared of the person sitting next to me , Bae Jinyoung.

he had the scary look on his face. his expressions were like telling me if i approach him i'll get it from his non-existent gang.

for the first day , i never talked to many people except for the two other girls in my class. yep , my class had that little girls.

the second day was more or less the same but i managed to speak up to some guys. just not Jinyoung because i was still scared of him.

the third day was when we meet our teachers and that meant going to our classroom. me and the other two girls sat at the last row of seats since we were a little shy infront of our class of 20 guys.

in the midst of the talking , the guy infront of me handed me a phone and told me to type in my number.

of course i didn't give in that easily so i gave him a confused look and he pointed infront at Jinyoung who turned around just in time and nodded his head at me.

after he turned back , i nudged my friend on my left , Melody and told her what Jinyoung wanted from me. "give it to me , i'll put my number." she smiled cheekily.

she typed in her number and we both chuckled before i handed my phone back to the guy infront. after he passed Jinyoung back his phone , Jinyoung pressed the number and Melody's phone started ringing.

Jinyoung gave me an expressionless face and handed the phone back to me. i was too scared to pull up any tricks this time so i gave my number for real.

once Jinyoung had his phone in his hand , he called the number and my phone rang. after making sure that number was mine , he turned and faced the front.

"he's so scary." Melody whispered. "yeah , i'm scared of him." Twyla , my other friend said acting like she shivered.

"poor Ji An , wonder why he wanted your phone number." Twyla said. "maybe he likes her." Melody said and i hit her lightly. "no way , he's too scary." i shaked my head.

"but he's handsome." Twyla said. "handsome but scary , okay?" i said.

who knew that the handsome and scary guy i said would now be my boyfriend?


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