Harry Styles?!?!!?

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"Mommy, whewz dadda?"My four year old little girl, Darcy Styles, asked. I had heard this question many times before. "I don't know babygirl,"I always say to her. My ex-boyfriend and I split and I left him before I even knew that I was pregnant with his little girl. If I could, I would have stayed with him, but I cant change the past. I still love him though, I always will.

I am Ariana Grande. I am the single mother of Harry Styles child that he doesen't know about. It was for the best that I keep Darcy out of the way of the cameras. I wanted her to grow up with a normal life, that is why I didn't tell Harry after I left that I was pregnant. I didn't leave because I was pregnant, I left because of other reasons.


"I love you, Ariana."

"I love you too, Harry."

He leaned over and kissed me. I really do love him, and I know I will never be happy with anbody else in my life except him. He is the one for me and i'm sure of it.

"I have to run to the store and pick up some of Zayn's hair gell for him babe," he said while we were sitting in the car.

"Okay, Haz," "Be quick!" I said

"mmkayy, babe!"

He went into the store while I sat in the car waiting for him.

I waited for about two minutes until I had to use the bathroom very badly.

I walked into the store and asked the cashier were the bathrooms where in the store. She pointed me to the back of the store and I headed to the bathrooms. I passed through various aisles before I was almost to the back where the bathroom was located.

I spotted a couple kissing in the middle of the store.. really?? in the middle of the store people??

I kept walking until I got a little closer to the couple and I realized that I knew exactly whose brown head of curls that was kissing that girl. Harry.....


Harry looked up at me and I could see the tears falling out of his eyes from regret.

"I can explain," He said.

"NO YOU CAN'T HAROLD! YOU ARE A CHEATER!" I screamed at him, not caring if anyone heard our argument.

"No, Ari , I love you. Not her," he said pointing at the blonde girl who was dressed in a mini skirt and a tank top that hardly covered anything. She had loads of makeup on and it was not pretty!!

"Why would you do this to me, Harry?" I said calmly.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Ariana. I love you and you mean the world to me. Please give me another chance."he said looking hurt.

"Im sorry, Harry." " I will always love you," I said before running out of the store and into Harry's car. I grabbed his phone that he had left in the car. I quickly pulled out the phone and called someone who I knew would help me.


Louis pulled up to the store where I was sitting in Harry's car and Harry was sitting near the entrance of the store crying his eyes out.

I was about to walk up to louis' car, but not before I did something that had to be done.

I walked over to Harry and he slowly lifted his head up out of his lap. His eyes were red from crying and he had tear stains all over his face. He looked so miserable, but he could have controlled what he did.

Harry stood up and we just stared at eachother for a minute until he finally said something.

"I'm sorry. I will always love you too, Ari."

I Need A Dad. -Darcy Styles (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now