Last thoughts?

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I ran and ran, as far as I could. I can't be on this earth when he dies.

I can't stand there and watch him get weaker and weaker each day. It's to hard. I am not that strong.

I ran as fast as my legs would move me until I could finally reach my destination.

I looked around.

Walking to the edge of the large cliff, I said silent prayers to nobody in particular. I walked up and jut sat down at the edge. I

I let all of the great memories of my life shower through my head like a flood.

I try to remember my dad as he was before he was about to die. I remember the was that he would always be able to make me smile, even when my life seemed like a volcano that keeps erupting. You think everything is going to be better, then it explodes. But my dad was always there to stop the volcano from erupting again.

I also loved how he would offer to buy me anything, and how I always had do sneak anything if I wanted to buy it myself. He was so unselfish, especially to me. I am going to miss him.

I hope my mother will be okay. Hope fully, one day, she will find a man who makes her as happy as Harry did and love her with all he has. I wish the best for my mother.

I have to hurry now before my mom or dad comes and stops me from doing this.

I get to the very edge and lift one foot in the air. I feel myself leaning forward, about to tumble down the cliff.

This right here, is my last thought that I will ever have, "I love you mommy and daddy," I said to myself.

Chad... What who is Chad?? ;)


Chads POV

Ring... Ring... Ring...

The last bell signaled that my last class in college had finally ended.

I picked up my school backpack and headed out the door and into the crowded hallway filled with students.

I stroll through the hall, passing and saying hello so several people that I know from High School.

I walk out of the dreading school and into my silver Mustang. I start it up and smile as I hear the engine roaring. I love cars.

I speed out of the parking lot and get on the road connected to the school parking lot.

I pass through the busy road and head toward the park to get some fresh air and relax after being locked up in a school for several hours.

I pull up at the park and get our of my vehicle. I lock the doors and head toward the swings.

I sit down and lean myself back and forth slowly to get the swing to move.

I am swinging as higher as I can, probably resembling a kindergardener somewhat.

I soon see a girl sitting at a cliff. She looks like she is talking to herself.

She finished whatever she was saying and she stands up and scoots closer to the edge of the cliff....

Oh... Please tell me this is not what I think that it is.

I jump down from the wings and run over to stop her. As soon as I get to her, she is leaning forward to jump.

I throw my arms around her and hold her back.

She turns around and looks at me with total shock written on her face.

Then the thought just hit me, "I just saved a life." I said to myself while I was still holding her in my arms.


Sooo how you like it??? I really like this chapter.... I got a lot of votes and comments last time... But on the chapter before this, the votes weren't very high... :( I'm not going to set a goal anymore, because I don't want to be disappointed :( this chapter ha a song that goes with it! I bet you cant guess what the song is called??

So... Comment, vote, and PLEASE FAN!! I only have like 20 something fans :( please fan me :) love all of you

Btw... (By the way), I made her live.... And I brought a new boy into her life! Darcy needs true love too, doesn't she?

So love y'all!

-Chloe Jewel! :p

I Need A Dad. -Darcy Styles (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now