Surprising events:)

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I stepped out of the cab slowly in order to keep my balance. Right foot out, then left. Breathe. In and out.  

I was holding the hand of my new boyfriend Chad as I stood few yards away from the place that gave me the worst news of my life. I pulled down the sleeves of my blouse and adjusted the collar to perfection.  

I took a few more breaths to get myself balanced before I glanced at my boyfriend, who had his hand still hooked tightly with mine. 

The hospital that had called me minutes earlier explaining that they needed to speak to me right away.  

I have no idea how my life could get any worse at this point.  

Chad glances over at me and our eyes meet. He gives me a warming smile with his shiny teeth.  

I start to walk into the building.  

I was called here for a reason that I couldn't know at the moment, but I am not sure of I would even like to know. 

"Are You Mrs.Styles," a lady smiled at me.  

"Yes,mam." I responded.  

"We'll then would you please follow me to this room so we may explain a situation to you." 

"May my boyfriend join me, also?" I asked.  

"Sure," she said.

I slowly take one last breath before turning the solid, cold, metal door handle that felt cold as a ice cube.  

I was nervous. Very nervous.  

I walk in the room, like the first time I was here my mother was seated in the chair taken by the desk. Also, there was a man behind the desk with a computer. 

The man shut the lid of the laptop and turned to face me and my mother, away from Chad slightly.  

"I have great news." He said. 

"There has been a misunderstanding in out computers." He said. "One of the nurses had recorded a death of another patient with the last name Styles, but she did not put in a first name. We did not realize that there were more than one styles. We are so sorry." My face suddenly lit up, as well as my mothers.  

Chad leaned over and pecked my lips to calm me. I loved how he just made me forget about everything going on at the.... Oh wait!!  

"Where is he! I want to see him!Dad!" I yelled. "We will take you to his room.  

We all stood up and walked out of the room, with the large man leading us to the right direction.  

He stood infront of a door after walking down the long hallway past many different doors, "help yourself," he said.  

I opened the door and saw the person that I never though I would ever see again in my life.  


"Darcy! I heard about the misunderstanding, are you okay?" My dad was worried.

Me and mom were now in a group hug with my father.  

I am so glad that Chad stopped me. I can't imagine what my father and mother would feel like if I had killed myself because of this.  

"And who would this be," my dad aske turning to Chad, who was sitting awkwardly in the corner.  

He stood up and held out a hand to my father. "Nice to meet you sir. I am your daughters boyfriend. " chad replied.  

"Nice to know." He said looking annoyed. Wait.... Dad HAS TO like Chad! He is my boyfriend. Maybe dad is just stressed.  

Chad then dropped his head and slowly walked out, till he reached the exit doors of the hospital. 

I didn't bother stopping him, my father apparently didn't want him here and I was not leaving my father after everything that had happened.  

We all tackled each other in a group hug.  

I love my life. This is how things are supposed to be like. I have a mom and a dad. And a house. And an amazing boyfriend.  

"I missed you, Harry." My mom said as she placed her lips on my fathers.  

Awee, this is perfect.  

I took out my phone and snapped a picture. 

The both looked up at me.  

"Darcy!" They said at the same time.  

"C'mon, let's go! Try released me yesterday ," dad said.  

We went to the front desk and signed him out as we headed to the house.  

Once we arrived dad said, "Darcy, your mother told me recently about your singing abilities, wanna test them?" He said.  

"But you are so mich better than me dad!" I said. 

"C'mon, we"ll sing together."  

"What song?" He asked  

"I have a good idea!"  

Mom sat down on the couch in the basement which was dads music room.  

Me and my father walked up to the stage and I plugged in my Iphone and the music started.  


"Isn't she lovely 

Isn't she wonderful 

Isn't she precious 

Less than one minute old 

I never thought through love we'd be 

Making one as lovely as she 

But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she pretty 

Truly the angel's best 

Boy, I'm so happy 

We have been heaven blessed 

I can't believe what God has done 

Through us he's given life to one 

But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she lovely 

Life and love are the same 

Life is Aisha 

The meaning of her name 

Londie, it could have not been done 

Without you who conceived the one 

That's so very lovely made from love"  

The smile on my moms face showed she liked it.  

I embraced my dad in a hug and kissed his cheek in a father-daughter way. 


Love how it turned out! How bout you guys???? So whatsup?

i would love it if all of yall would read my friends story called Broken

Heres the link to it!

love yall!

Well bye 


I Need A Dad. -Darcy Styles (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now