Please dont do this, Darcy.

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My dad is in a coma still. He has been for a week and four days. I don't want him to die. I need him.

I know that you might be thinking that it wouldn't be that bad since I hardly knew him anyway, buy you don't understand. He made me. He might have left my mother and not helped take care of me for 18 years, but that is not the point. I need him now.

The doctors have said that the chances of him living are very thin.

I have not eaten much since the accident. I have not slept more than a couple hours at a time.

I am so worried that he is not going to make it.

I don't know what I would do once he passed.

I went up the the front desk and requested for a piece of paper and a pen.

I sat down and wrote all of my feelings onto the paper.

I finished off the note with

" I love you -Darcy Styles"

I laid the note next to my father and walked out of the plain hospital that I would never see again.


After I read the note I started panicking. What if I was too late? What if something happened to my baby girl? I wouldn't never be able to stand the guilt because I know that I am the reason for this.

I cannot get out of bed. I cannot walk or anything, but I can scream....

"ARIANAA!! ARIANA, I NEED YOU NOW! ARIANA, SOMEBODY GET ARIANA!!" I yelled to nobody in particular.

I need her to go get Darcy before it is too late.

I cannot believe what the note had said. I still remember everything that it had said by memory, " Dad and Mom,

The doctors are almost sure that dad is going I die. I have just got to know him and I love him so much already. I don't think that I will be able to pick up the phone one day and hear that my father has just passed. Both of you are much stronger than me. You will be able to take this. I am sorry to say this, but when dad takes his last breath, he will soon be joined with me. I cannot watch my father die, and know there is nothing that I can do to stop it. I'm leaving earth today. Do not worry about me. I have to do this. I just cannot live without you, dad.

I NEED a dad.

-Darcy Styles.

P.S I love both of you and this is not your fault, but the doctors are sure that he is going to die, and I cannot watch that happen.


I heard Harry yelling my name from in the hallway. I stormed into his room, hoping that he was okay. He just tossed me a note.

The note was from Darcy.

I read over the note and I could not believe what I was reading.

I threw the note back on Harry's bedside table and ran out of the hospital room door. I ran out of the hospital like a maniac and went to the side of the rode an waved to a cab. I jumped into the cab and we sped off.

"Please don't do this, Darcy."I thought to myself.

So... How did you like it? Please comment and vote on this chapter.

All of you were we're amazing and more than tripled the amount of votes that I had asked for.

The next chapter will have all of the fun stuff in it!

Do you think that Darcy is going to die or live??

Do you think Harry is going to die or live???

If Darcy lives, what will change her mind?? Hint: IF! She might not live!

I would like

Votes: 15


You can do this!!! Please do this for me :))))))😊

Love Yaaaaa!

-Chloe J

I Need A Dad. -Darcy Styles (A Harry Styles FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now