The Hacker: Chapter 2

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(ROM Hack prologue in media is by TrainerRYSA! Guys, like, this kid has some talent and dedication! We should all stalk them because I am shit with technology -how Ironic- and this is amazing)

I grunted and tossed the woolen covers to the foot of my bed. Rolling my neck forward groggily, I swung my legs over the side of my bed. My feet pressed into the chilled wooden panels that made up my room's flooring. As I should be panicked that I have probably just been kidnapped, I felt an odd tranquility instead. Maybe heavy confusion really.

I sucked in a cheek as my eyebrows furrowed together in annoyance, though with the situation. My room is carpeted with white polypropylene. Well, after years of not cleaning it, the carpet threads turned an eggshell color. Where ever I am, my captors didn't make any effort to trick me into this being my home. I scanned the sweet nectar walls and noticed some picture frames hanging. I took subtle strides over to them and picked up on the fact that they were all covered in a thin blanket of dust, they had been hanging there for months I guessed.

The photos in them caused me to recoil.

No, these aren't pictures... They are drawings by some cartoonist. I determined in my mind. I looked at the even coloration, the presence of shadows that had a fine defining line between them and the skin. Though soon I realized the picture I had been examining was the exact same I had in my real room.

It was my middle school graduation.

There was a little me with black nerd glasses and my muddy hair tied into a neat pony tail sitting over my shoulder. In my right hand was a beige diploma pressed into my chest. The other was giving the camera a peace sign. I was showing a pearly grin bursting with excitement while my mother stood behind with a narrow hand placed over my shoulder. My heart felt a small pang as I saw her expression.

She was smiling.

As much as my mother really had cared, in the picture I had in my room she wasn't smiling. She never smiled for me, really. In the actual photo, she just stood somberly gazing off into the distance. It was when I remorse at the artist's poor portrayal that I saw what else they had changed.

A man was in the photo, standing with us proudly.

Half his head was cut off by the photo's rim, but his lips were curled back into a smile. The same one I would get when I broke through a code. The overwhelming pride I would feel just emanated from the man. I ripped the frame from where it hung on the wall and let it drop.

Shatter against the hard wood flooring.

I really was baffled at myself for what I just had done. All I could was stare between my trembling hand and the broken refinance. The pounding of footsteps came from a staircase in the upper right corner of my room. I craned my neck around to see a woman burst forth into the room, my muscles winding to attack who I assumed my captor was.

My eyes widened.

It was my mother. But she was in the same anime form the pictures had been. Her dark eyes trembled while she gazed at me, "Leaf, are you okay? I heard something---" her gaze fell down to the broken photo at my bare feet, and she sighed. "You still... Aren't taking it well..." Her voice trailed off.

I moved my right ear closer to my shoulder to cock my head. My own words from before slipped into the back of my mind, "Taking what not well?" The fact I am completely and utterly confused about where I am? Well, she probably wouldn't know if I asked her. From her demeanor, it seemed that she belonged in this weirdness. Soon, my mind had also processed that my surroundings were in the same anime style. Though, I contained the bewilderment that enacted my body to throb.

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