The Hacker: Chapter 11

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(Fanart in media by @Azul-Gale !)

A light chirping pulled me from my slumber. I rolled over in the bed I tossed myself into late last night, throwing a down pillow over my head, "5 more minutes," still, the bright calls of a small bird persisted in the morning. "Damn Pidgey!" my words muffled as I buried my face. With my open arm, I threw my fluffy comforter over myself further until the light that dripped from my bedroom's window was locked from my sight.

My final attempt to fall back into a lazy sleep was abruptly disrupted by heavy pounding. Two feet shot up my staircase and a voice shouted, "Burglar!" I curled up further in my nest of blankets, unsuspecting of the broom which suddenly started to slap against my body, "Get out of my daughter's room!" my mother shouted harshly, never halting her profuse assault by cleaning utensil.

"Ah! Ow! Stop!" I started to yell, now wide awake, "Mom! It's me!" Still the broom thumped against me and my blankets. Finally I tossed up my blankets and I tumbled from my bed and onto the oak paneling of the second floor. "Leaf! It's me, Leaf! Calm down, mom! Dear g--- Arceus, cut it out!"

The broom stopped.

The sheets fluttered down back to the bed as the broom slowly lowered. My mother's face poked around, practically glowing, "You're home!" She cheered after scanning me from top to bottom. The broom slipped from her grip and clattered down beside me. Quickly, I braced myself for a mother's death embrace which her face seemed to say she was about to give. Instead I heard her floundering further away, "I must tell everybody!"

I let out a light sigh of relief and ran my fingers over my scalp, pushing past the ribboning locks. I wondered to myself if my real mother would have been like this if father didn't pass before I was born. I swung myself back to my feet. I took a moment to breath, my mind still laced with a sleepy daze. My vision speckled with dark spots that faded in and out. "Well, that's not good." I breathed, flopping back onto my mattress. The bed frame creaked loudly and trembled for a moment as I continued to speak my thoughts, "Spotted vision usually means that I don't have enough nutrients in my system. Or I have an eye disease... I'm going for the first one."

From the downstairs, I heard my mother opening the front door. The air pushing it open with a whoosh as mother's heels clacked against the wood, backing up presumably.

"Blue," her tone was quizzical, "what are you doing here?"

I let out a grunt, flinging my arm across my face. Can't I just have a day off? I thought to myself, raising my lips into a snarl.

"I am here to check on Leaf, Ms. Green," his voice smoothed out. "I heard she got back late last night."

Mom giggled like child, "My, my! News does carry fast! She's up in her room right now!" she sung, her voice soaring up into my room. The next noise was a pair of feet making their way up into my room, gentle steps pressing into the stairs.

"Good morning, Pesky girl," Blue's voice greeted.

"Mornin', Blue." I mumbled back, not even trying to even argue about the nickname. I flopped onto my side and curled up, the black hood of my pajamas sat with my ear just brushing the cotton fabric. My eyes were softly shut, determined to somehow fall back asleep after the attack moments ago.

A hand skimmed over mine before tenderly patting. What felt like small static ran around the area the hand rubbed, my face grew warmer. "It is noon, ya' know." Blue said with his ever-so cocky tone.

Reluctant to move, I made no try to push away his hand. "I'm tired, ya' know." I mocked him with a deep exhale. "Why are you here?" I finally rolled my neck around to face the advance-trainer. The tip of my nose tingled slightly when both of our eyes locked gaze.

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