The Hacker: Chapter 30

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That was the end.

That's what I thought when I wrote those words. But I've said it before, the story always goes on. But I never lied, I would never go back to the world I had known. But a new reality of my life.


They circled around me.

Am I alive...? I groaned as I felt my muscles ache. My eyelids slowly tugged themselves open, my head felt as if it were a lead weight as I swung to sit up. Vision was blurred like I was underwater while I swayed lucidly. People turned from left to right looking down at me, most were wearing glasses as my vision began to turn solid. Taking more of a survey over my surroundings, I found I was in a computer lab.

The corner I sat in was illuminated by harsh bland lights like spotlights on a stage. I took a small glance at what sat next to me. Stuffed pokemon dolls...? I counted them out: a Venusaur, a Charizard, a Blastoise, a Lapras, a Pikachu, a Snorlax, a Mew and a Mewtwo. The hacked pokemon. All round were scattered cards, hundreds of them. Mostly miscellaneous items like Masterballs, revives and potions. Nothing people really ever used when they played the card game. And a lone laptop with a silver sleek cover, gleaming in the harsh lights. My numbing heart winced, my thoughts racing why my laptop was with me. And not in the other world for anyone to read.

I ran my fingers through my hair and up my head, a lily-white hat slipping onto the ground. "What?"

"My god, she's alive!"

"That's impossible!"

"You saw that, I don't think it counts as impossible."

Shooting my head up, I saw men and women alike staring down at me, I would guess no more than 25 of them observed me. Most wore steel frames on the bridge of their noses and all wore such casual clothing. Deeper in the room were rows of computers. One difference that widened my eyes, they were real.

Real as in not a cartoon. Their faces etched with true shadows of every curvature in their skin. "Where am I?" I squeaked, checking my clothes to see the ones from the ga--- the other world. A red skirt just above my knees, deep blue legwarmers that matched my sweater vest.

They stood silently above me, motionlessly just gawking at me.

"I asked a question..."

Finally, a man cleared his throat, his rusty brown hair tossed about. He looked around 26, give or take. His caramel eyes stared down at me in a sort of confused fear. "R-Retro Studios."

I shut my eyes, searching my brain for any information I could grasp; though it was still fogged. "Retro Studios. The first branch of Nintendo in America, located in... Austin, Texas. In charge of Metroid prime series and Donkey Kong series. Founded originally in October of 1998, in year 2011 you were relocated."

"What?" The man asked quizzically, "2011? How do you know that?"

I shot him a look, "How wouldn't I know?"

"It is 1998."

My eyes widened, color draining from my skin. My voice low as I spoke, "Impossible--- I haven't even been born yet..." I looked up at them, "How did I get here?"

"You tell us."

"You think I'd know!"

A woman walked forward, her blonde hair snaking down her shoulders as her blue eyes shimmered past her ruby glasses. "Please, stay calm," she grinned, though obviously just as bewildered as the rest. But something in her eyes, almost didn't seem surprised that it happened. Just when. "To explain, we saw you basically come out of the game card. It was sudden. We were all analyzing the hacks that were within the card that was turned in to us a week ago. That's when suddenly, the Red Version suddenly went off. Jetting out electricity to the point it caused a power outage for, roughly, 30 seconds. When the power came back--- we found you, and all that stuff, lying on the ground." I read her name card quickly, it read "Aster Rain".

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