The Hacker: Chapter 22

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The sensation of a small head that rested underneath my chin, perfectly tucked into my neck, roused me from my hunger-induced, fragile slumber. Light breaths expanding and collapsing from the puny body I clung gently to. The boat I had once been slept on was being tossed slowly by the tied pulling me further into consciousness. It wasn't hard to find myself in an upright position on the crowded deck of slumbering refugees. Each of them backed into one another like logs with barely any area to breath. But they seemed to fit, most being bone-thin.

Where I rested had been up against the boat's railing on the bow, a faded blanket tossed behind my back, swathing over my arms to kiss my fingertips. Enveloped in my arms was young little Eos (previously known as Copycat). In her arms was a small doll of a Clefairy, its right arm and leg stitched up with dark cross work. The corner of my lip twitched to hint at a smirk as I looked down at the girl's face. She was so calm, forgetting the chaotic world around her.

Two feelings encased me as I saw her. The first wishing to be blind to the destruction. The other feeling only pity for the oblivious child, as she will be frustrated often if she kept thinking the way she did.

I let out a sigh, reminding myself she was just a child. If she were older, then it would have been more of a problem. My eyes motioned up, tugging my head lazily with them. Uncountable flecks of starlight doused the sky, nearly drowning the inky backdrop. The crystal night so clear I could make out the gash of the Milky Way Galaxy tearing across the sky, putting where ever the moon was to shame in its illumination.

Lucidly, my arm slothfully moved up towards the sky, the illumination of the night glowing through the slits of my parted fingers, darkening my hand to my ocular sight. I hesitated in a short breath, admiring the stars beauty, my heart asking to take one right from the sky and slip it into my bag. As my fingers closed into a fist, I felt nothing in my hand but skin brushing skin.

I was a tad disheartened as I pulled my hand back down. I felt as if nothing was grabbed, but really I did catch elements and molecules that drifted though the crisp air. Nitrogen, Oxygen, a smidge Carbon Dioxide, Neon, a fraction of hydrogen, bits of Krypton, snubs of Hydrogen, possibly an infinitesimal of Xenon, and of course- water vapors. But, those somethings were not enough to satisfy me.

Eos was not stirred by my motion, though a half-slumbering boy whose head had been sunk on my shoulder was disturbed. On instinct, my head jerked around to see the raven-haired boy scrunch his eyes together, mumbling out grunts. With the hand I reached for the sky with, I brushed his locks from his pale face, quietly hushing. Both his and my souls unwound and fell at ease. I watched his pained face turn softer. Softer than the silent child I would see, softer than feather landing on your skin. More peaceful than a pale gardenia flower at the crack of dawn. My palm stayed serenely brushing about Red's hair for a few seconds before I sharply drew it away. The tips of my ears heating up mildly before I wrapped myself back around Eos.

My eyelids closed like slow drawn curtains and my mind dissolving into a drowse. The last thing picking though my vision was a head far across the ship, unmistakable to my heart even as the Ginger laid asleep far away.

My last thoughts of the time pulling at my lips.


He--- Red.

I have to warn Red...



The next time that my eyes would flutter open, a searing white light would cascade into my awareness, yanking me into the world where refugees scrambled about in the day. Many were gathering up their few belongings as others scavenged for scraps of food. The ocean more alive than it was at night, waves leaping higher into the air and roll off of the Ferry's hull.

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