The Hacker: Chapter 27

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A gentle piano played, note by note, an orchestra slowly hissing in as a single voice hummed.

I soon became aware of my own breaths and the crick in my neck. Attentive enough to notice how cold and wet my skin felt, trembled of the cold overcoming me. Back to knowing everything.

"I've seen the world,

done it all,

had my cake now."

A light voice sung like air while an angel's cord hummed in for a single breath. I couldn't find the strength to open my eyes. Only pull them for brief moments, capturing single blurred images. I was somewhere familiar. And my head was killing me. There were many other people. A girl sat with a curious face towards a glowing light. The light from a screen. The sound came from there too, a beautiful sound which furthered my headache. The words only picking through my mind as I struggled to give sign of my life. "M-M-M-M," my lips were refusing to unpress themselves from one another.

"She's awake!" a voice cried, its assurance giving me strength to keep fighting my eyes open. Faces of people moving like screen shots closer and closer to me. A boy with ginger spiked hair and caramel eyes rushing over with mouth agape.

"Leaf!" the trainer cried, his honey voice dripping with a past fear.

"When you and I were forever wild,

the crazy days,

city lights,

the way you'd play with me like a child"

The air in my lungs trembled to come and go, my lips numb as I forced a stutter, "B-Blue?"

"Will you still love me,

when I'm no longer Young and Beautiful?"

His arms engulfing me as the accompaniment chimed with a low bell of a church. Many more arms suddenly wrapping around and feeding me their heat. Voices upon voices ringing out. I didn't think I even knew these people.

"You saved Copycat!"

"You're a hero!"

"Thank Arceus you're alive!"

"I swore you were dead. You had no pulse---"

"Stop being a negative Nancy, Aster!"

"Will you still love me,

when I've got nothing but my aching soul?"

I was soon fully conscious and could keep my eyes open to record the scene. The box soon came to my attention as my laptop being opened, iTunes playing. My words still choking in the back of my throat, all I could do was point helplessly and furrow my eyebrows together.

"Hehe!" A green haired child giggled, winking her silver eye to me. "Copycat thought playing Big Sis's favorite music would wake her up. Big sis was sleeping for a long time, for a long time. This is Young and Beautiful by Layna Deel Ree."

I coughed out a snort of amusement as the crowd lifted from around me. "Lana Del Rey. And, Eos, please don't run off from your parents again," I actually didn't like the singer too much, but the song was from the 2013 movie rendition of The Great Gatsby. It was a beautiful song and the story itself was wonderfully heartbreaking. As the main character Nick was almost impossible to remember, because he was just there. But he was there. For Gatsby until the bitter end where betrayal had cut the line.

Nick never spoke about his opinion. Very reserved. But he was there for Gatsby even when everyone else left. To tell the story without spoiling it, the story was a love triangle where everyone was fool and the narrator was simply part of the drama. He was the only one I liked because he knew it was going to end badly, but never once faltered at being a friend to someone lost in the past. The entire book referenced a billboard in Ash Valley, eyes of God watching over all the time. That was how I saw Nick Carraway. He was the eyes of God.

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