The Hacker: Chapter 14

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"Ah, well, I was searching for Mew when I found some odd entries. So I came to Red after seeing---"

Red cut me off with an arm crossing over me. He was stumbling to his feet now in front of me, faced towards Blue. Though I couldn't see his expression, his tone was as icy as the air around us. The frosty waves came rushing back like they never left, "She's visiting."

"Why? I come and visit. How come I never knew?" Blue's face scrunched together, he seemed confused. But he bordered on an anger, "Why is she here?"

"She's my friend."

"No, I am."

Now, it was my turn to speak. I gradually lifted my body to be upright. I stuck close to Red as I said, "Red isn't allowed to have more than one friend? That is pretty selfish of you."

"It's not selfish," the ginger retorted, his next words turning in knives to stab my heart. "He's better off not to have friends who are the likes of you."

Red's head tilted like a child's, his chin pulling down just slightly, "Likes of... Her?"

Blue paced forward and grabbed the white wing collar of Red's jacket and pulled him away from where I stood. "Take a look at her. You really didn't realize? Who do you think she is?"

"Blue," I growled, my tone starting to turn desperate, "don't."

Why is he doing such a thing? Blue and I are friends too, aren't we? Yeah, I like him but--- why has he turned so cold like this? I pondered, pleading with my eyes towards the former champion.

The trainer couldn't read the signs I shot at him, or just simply blew them off. Red's deep eyes were looking down at the frost coated Earth by his shoes when Blue snatched his head up, making sure Red could only see me. "See her? She's the reason you're stuck here. The reason you'll never go home. The reason of the Coming. She is---"

Don't say it! Don't say it! Stop! Shut up!

"The player."

Red's trusting eyes melted into widening pools while his jaw hung.

"She is what she is. She's not going to stop playing with each of us like some game. That's all she ever believed this is. Right, Leaf? A game?"

I couldn't respond.

I wanted to so badly.

But I had so much I could say.

So much could happen that I wouldn't be able to control. If I said no, would they believe me? Would I believe myself? If I said yes, I would lose my best friend and the boy I liked.

But my silence wasn't good enough either for the two. Blue's grip released the banished boy who simply crumpled to his knees, slouched over with betrayal. I felt as if I could see the knife I plunged into his back. Blue, he just stared at me. It seemed he was hoping I would at least say something.

"I'm sorry," was all I managed in a broken song, spinning on a whim. I didn't dare turn around. Running out of the shelter and back into the icy storm. The wind felt colder, the snow doubling what it once was. It was dangerous to send out Pidgeot, but I did anyways and boarded on.

Though just before takeoff, a figure stood in the arch way of the cavern. The snow too powerful to allow my vision to reveal who waited. A voice gargled by the choking gusts had said my name, though I could not identify the speaker.

Nor did I seem to care. I shut my eyes, recalling the journal, "Cerulean Cave. Where the failed experiments are..." I patted my pokemon's upper neck tenderly. "To Cerulean City, Pidgeot."

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