The Hacker: Chapter 19

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"Everyone stay calm and keep moving!" an officer announced as he blared his metallic whistle to keep the crowd in check. People of all kinds were packed shoulder to shoulder, the sea of people overflowing the docks and poured themselves into Vermillion. The police man stood on the border of the wooden docks and slate walkway of the town as a child's foot just slipped. The kid tipped and nearly plunged into the coast if the officer hadn't swept them up by their stomach. He handed the child over to a single mother who nodded in thanks with dead eyes. He turned back to the crowd and roared, "And keep your children close!"

Copycat tugged at my skirt softly to snap my attention down to her. The silver-eyed child outstretched her bare arms to me and mumbled, "Up."

I gave her a half smile before sweeping her up. The toddler's pudgy arms ringing around my neck while her pink doll was shoved into half my face.

Red hovered close as we were tossed about the swarm to reach the ferries in a feathered silence. My ears picked on the monotone buzz of the people that only became louder when the current ferry was full and we would have to wait for the next.

"Please let me on, my son is sick and all the doctors have fled to the Sevii Islands already!"

"Get back, lady."

"I can see there's plenty of room for at least my family!"

"When we say it's full, then it's full."

"What about my child! Take my child there! I'll be there for them soon."

And so the crowd rolled on. The hours hissed away in the sweltering heat that emanated from each person. My hair clumped together in thick groups while Copycat breathed down the back of my neck. It was when the ferry was in breathing distance and the sea spray sunk into my skin when I felt a weak tug at my arm.

"Hm?" I hummed, turning to the person. It was an older woman, her turquoise hair turning gray at the roots, bags of skin pulled below her tired eyes as she stared to me with a flickering hope.

Her voice was strained as she pulled out her words, the side of the woman's face twitching with slight clicks, "Please, they won't let me on," she begged. "I have a piece The Glitch inside of me. But my daughter, she is healthy. Her father left this world many years ago, but once she's on one of the islands..."

The woman sputtered, her profile fizzling about before facing back to me. I smiled sadly to her, "Where is she?"

As if on cue, a girl peaked her head from around her mother. Crashing waves of teal locks brushed past her shoulders while the child's cerulean eyes spun with curiosity. Her mom weakly ushered the girl towards me, "Her name is Amber... Please, take care of her."

I nodded and wrapped my finger's up with the new characters, "Hi Amber. Once we get to the first Island, we will find someone who can take care of you. Right now we are actually finding one of our traveling companion's parents." I told, motioning to the girl in my arms who gave a pout as I only balanced her in one arm. "Red, can you take one?" I groaned quietly, tilting my head back.

The quiet trainer snickered before pacing to taking Copycat into his arms. The child squirmed a bit before scrambling up to sit on his shoulders. The avocado haired girl giggled and ran her fingers over his cap, "Forward, Forward noble steed!"

The trainer simply kept his monotone disposition as our party continued onto the ferry.

An officer keeping the crowd at bay tracked our party from the corner of his eye before clicking his tongue. "Too young for kids."

I shot him a glare before half-lying with ease in my voice, "They are my sisters. He is my brother. Our parents were swallowed by the glitch. Don't make blind assumptions."

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