The Hacker: Chapter 8

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(fan art in media by Serena-Daniels)

"Well, this means you're the new champion," Blue whispered as he looked down at me with his russet eyes, his fingers laced though his ginger hair as he gave me a lopsided smile.

I was in the midst of returning Venusaur when I craned my head to face him, "Weird. You can keep the champion name, I mean... It's not like I am going to be here for much longer," I babbled, tucking back Venusaur into my bag. "I just have to capture Mew and beat Red now... Well--- get his pokemon. And his items. I can't do that from a champion throne. And after I'm done I can go home, right?"

I smiled, but it quickly fell as I saw something flash in Blue's expression. His eyes swam as his smirk seemed to melt for a moment. "Yeah... I guess you're right. You'll be going home soon."

My first impression was that the trainer was saddened by those facts. Until something told me different.

He's lying, a voice whispered in my ear. It was my own. I couldn't tell what he was lying about at the time, though. Weather it was he thought I was right or I would be going home. I felt my heart sink, his eyes were disappointed. That stare you never wanted to feel, the one that makes you feel sick of yourself. Quickly, he snapped into a smile.

Both of his eyes were shut, "Well! I guess it's time to show you the entrance to Mt. Silver," the Ginger cleared his throat, taking grasp of my hand. His hand radiated a warmth while his callus skin brushed my palm, "Your hand is soft..." He hushed softly while he tugged me though the elite four chambers.

I said nothing as my feet dragged across the floors that glistered in the lights. People who the news had reached about my victory were already lined up. They applauded, their hands smacking against one another were like helium balloons popping in a barrage. Faces of people I met on my journey smiled with a sunny demeanor and waved. My "mother" was cheering at the same moment of dabbing her eyes with a lily white handkerchief, her dark hair tumbling over her shoulder.

My gaze ran over the whole scene as we passed though the commons of the Indigo Plateau, Nurse Joy even clapping at her station. We passed even them, Blue not moving his head from his directed path. The double glass doors were pushed open by some of the people to let us though.

Blue was determined to keep going but I stopped in my tracks, causing him to be yanked back. He gave me a sharp gaze, "I need to heal my Pokemon," he rolled his deep eyes before releasing his grip on my fingers. Stretching my hands out, I trotted over to where Nurse Joy was, bordering the right side of the entrance to the elite four.

Her cotton candy hair that was tied up into two buns matched her cheeks as her blue eyes blinked at me, "Well hello, Miss Leaf! Would you like me to heal your pokemon?"

No, I came here just to be friendly with you... With nothing else really in my bag, I flipped my maize bag upside down so that the six pokeballs tumbled out, Vulpix's rolling off of the plastic counter top. Nurse Joy caught it and smiled, "I'll take that as a yes!" her voice squeaked like a Skitty, placing each pokemon capsule into her rectangular healing machine behind her.

After a few lights flashing, a Bing! sounded and she took the pokeballs out, "All done!" she exclaimed, softly handed me my team with a beautifully fake smile. "I hope to see you again!"

I wanted to turn back to Blue. I was dying to continue on my journey to escape. But my feet stayed super glued to the pink marble floors while questions sang though my mind about the woman who smiled too brightly.

Do the nurses have dreams of their own?

Do they secretly hate people?

Why are they always smiling? Well. They're paid to.

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