Chapter 1 - Teaser

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"But why me?" Kit whined when his guidance counselor at school explained that he needs to mentor the new kid who joined in their university's junior college.

Mrs.Yiwha gave him a frustrated look "You are the only one with absolutely no extracurricular activities, do it if you want me give you a recommendation to join our med school" she said in a tone that marked end of discussion. "I think he enrolled for basket ball and that means you know where to find him."

Kit sighed in defeat "Okay Mrs. Yiwha" he got up, but his curiosity got the better of him "But why does he need a mentor though... what's weird about him?"

"Kittinan Intanochar" Mrs.Yiwha said in a harsh tone "We don't call people weird"

"Sorry" he muttered "I just don't understand why someone in sophomore year would need a mentor"

"Glad you finally asked it" Mrs.Yiwha smiled "He had a tough upbringing and has dyslexia. He needs someone to help him study; but he is good in sports. And you like no one else in our school, have too much free time between classes."

Kit felt a bit guilty for calling the new kid weird "Oh, I didn't know"

"That's okay" Mrs.Yiwha said "I trust he is in good hands then"

Kit nodded once before leaving the guidance counselor's office in silence as he read through the new student's profile, a smile forming on his lips when he read the name Mingkwan, who names their son Mingkwan... it sounds like a girl's name.

Kit picked up his bag and made his way towards the basket ball court, where he was sure his best friends were practicing and if he was lucky maybe the new kid will be there too. He was still reading the student profile when suddenly a tall figure appeared right in front of him

"Hey Cutie" he heard the tall guy call him "care to look where you are going?" he heard the teasing tone.

"What the Fuc..." Kit started scolding the annoying figure in front of him but time froze when he looked in to those beautiful hazel eyes

Kit's heart started beating rapidly, his breath caught when he felt someone or something clawing its way up from the corner of his heart. His surrounding darkened and all that was in front of him was this tall, lanky yet wonderful boy who had a stunned expression

"hey... you okay?" the tall boy jumped "are you having a panic attack?' he looked around to call for help.

Kit's world went black, as he buckled over with his hands on his chest. 'Finally....' He heard a soft female voice before he completely lost conscious in hands of a stranger.

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