Chapter 2

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She woke up in a jolt, her body shooting up from the ground. She stopped moving, groaning when the world around her started to spin. Her head began to throb painfully, and she leaned against the wall to keep her balance, riding out a wave of nausea. Her fingers went to the side of her head where she felt a raised bump. She withdrew her hands to find it stained with blood.

Where was she?

She looked at her surroundings, unable to recognise anything. She was in a dimly lit place. One which looked abandoned. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember how she had got here. How did she even get here? Despite this, the one fact that concerned most was:

Who was she?

Her head ached the more she thought about it. What was her name? She couldn't even remember. She looked down at herself. She was dressed in black robes, robes that were torn in various spots. She had been in a fight? No, she had been attacked. But by whom?

She moaned in pain. Her head pounded even more. It took her a while but eventually she managed to stand upright and once able to, took shaky steps towards the door. It came to a surprise to her that it was unlocked. She stepped out.

She entered a room with several people covered in hoods, looking at holopads and screens, talking among themselves. 

"...and what of the Jedi?" one of the cloaked figures asked. "We have her downstairs, but it would be a risk to keep her here."

"The First Order would come after us," another figure said. 

"Then we have no other choice," another one said grimly. "We'll have to kill her."

She may have found it hard to remember, but she knew enough to know that she was the person they were referring to. Eyes going wide, she ducked down to find a place to hide. She had to get out. But how?

Her eyes scanned the room. Her gaze landed on an open door from which light streamed through. She made her way towards it. It was the intercom room. She peeked inside to find it empty. Running towards the nearest intercom device, she pressed a big red button that she could only hope was the connect button.

A loud sound erupted from the room, and she cringed. She pressed more and more buttons until she finally heard a crackle of static. "Hello? Is anyone there?" she said into the microphone. More static came from the other end of the line.

"Please! Whoever's there, I need help. I've been...kidnapped, and I think they're going to kill me- and I don't even know where I am!" she pleaded desperately, the pounding in her head increasing. The cloaked figures were going to find her soon.

"Distress signal detected. Coordinates received. Who am I speaking to?" came a voice from the other side. She let out a breath of relief.

"I...I can't remember my name, but I mean no harm. I'm innocent, I think? Yes, I've just been taken. I just need help-"

"Alright, I need you to stay calm. My name is Poe Dameron. I'll be there in-"

"Well, look what we have here," someone said from behind her. One of the cloaked figures pointed at her with his staff. 

"No, wait. I can explain!" she tried. She didn't know what she was saying at that point. What in the galaxy could she possibly use to explain the situation? She'd say anything to keep herself alive though. "I'm not going to hurt you!"

"Singing a different tune now that Kylo Ren isn't here, I see," the hooded figure snarled. Theo furrowed her eyebrows. Kylo...She groaned as a sharp jab of pain radiated through her head.

"I don't know who you're talking about. It's not me-"

"Save the lies, little girl. You ain't getting out of this alive," he said menacingly and with a growl, launched himself at her.

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