Chapter 4

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Several days had passed in the medical wing, days when Astrid was always accompanied by Poe and finding out more about the world. Although he did provide a brief explanation of the Resistance, a group of people who were going against the First Order, he didn't venture very far in the topic and chose his words carefully. A part of her suspected it was because he wasn't sure if she could be trusted.

The name First Order rang a bell in Astrid's head but whenever she tried to remember, she would feel jabs of pain in her head, so she thought it best to avoid the subject altogether. Her healing was going well. The wound at the side of her head had healed up mostly, the raised bump no longer burdening her. Although still scared about her memory loss, she tried her best to embrace this new life she was given. Or, that's what she kept telling herself.

Poe was happy that she seemed to be coping and was by her side almost all the time except when he had missions. Other than that, his time was spent with her in the medical wing. Today was no exception as he strolled into the medical wing with a canister of chicken soup he got from the canteen. He walked in to find the medic tending to her healed wounds. Astrid beamed up at him when he entered.

"She said I can be discharged today," she told him.

"Ah, guess you won't be needing this," he said, holding up the canister with a grin, plopping himself down on the chair he had sat in for so many hours a day the past week.

"How's she doing, doc?" he asked. The medic shot him a mildly annoyed look, one which she had given him on the first day when Astrid had woken up, but answered professionally.

"The wounds have healed perfectly. Of course, there is the head injury to worry about," she cast a worried glance at Astrid. "Miss Jones, I know you don't mind losing your memories, but it does cause me some concern."

"I'm good, don't worry," Astrid replied, waving off her comment. Her eyes betrayed her words. The medic leaned closer to her, speaking lowly so only Astrid could hear.

"You might start to remember your past, Miss Jones. Any familiar thing, even the smallest of things, can trigger your memory. You may seem fine in keeping these memories repressed, but one day, I'm afraid it'll come back to you and when that day comes, it won't be pleasant."

Astrid looked at her, her fake smile dropping. "So what if they come back? I don't see how my old memories could possibly hurt me," she whispered back.

The medic's gaze fell on the basket that held the clothes Astrid was found in, the black robes and the blood red lining. Astrid followed her gaze before looking back at the medic. "I think you already know that answer."

Her reply sent a shiver up Astrid's spine as she nodded wordlessly. The medic pulled away from her, plastering on a smile as she acted like the small exchange never happened. She handed a bottle of pills to Astrid. "Twice a day after each meal."

"Thank you," Astrid mumbled. Poe helped her get dressed in a comfortable outfit of brown trekking pants with a button up shirt that was a lighter shade of brown. He handed her a brown leather jacket, somewhat similar to the one he wore. She thanked him kindly for the clothes, grateful she didn't have to wear the medical ward's clothes anymore. Soon, she followed Poe out of the medical ward. 

"So where are we headed?" she asked.

"You'll be staying with me, if that's alright?" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "There's not much room on the base, so I thought it'd be best if you bunk in with me."

"Sure," Astrid agreed, not minding it in the slightest. She followed him through corridors and dorms and as they went by, she felt the stares of other people around her, some out of curiosity and some of suspicion. Feeling uncomfortable, she wrapped the jacket she had been given, around her tighter. 

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