Chapter 9

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Weeks had passed since Astrid's arrival on the base. The weeks were spent rather happily while she got to know more and more people, save for the occasional "You're the intruder!" phrase she would hear from people as they pointed at her accusingly.

She began to fit in a little more every day. The person she was closest to aside from Poe was Kaydel Connix. The girl still called her Penelope because Astrid had freaked out just as she was about to confess that that had been a lie. Astrid felt far too awkward to explain the situation, so she was still Penelope Dameron to Kaydel, much to Poe's amusement.

The third person she was closest to was, surprisingly, Matt. The man still disliked her but after being tasked to assist him over a number of repairs, she had found some comfort in his presence, but that could be due to the fact that it was incredibly easy to annoy him so entertainment was never in short supply.

In the weeks that she spent on the base, she tried her hardest to prove that she was worth something to the Resistance members. That and also to hopefully ease any doubts that Leia might have of her. During this period, she found that her memories had stopped resurfacing as if her mind had decided that she knew too much of her past so it shut itself off. 

She didn't mind though. In the time she stopped remembering who she was, she became a new person as Astrid Jones. No longer plagued by the resurfacing memories, she could move on with her new life.

After coming clean to Poe, Astrid had made the decision to tell Leia about whatever she knew from her past. It wasn't easy to admit it to the older woman, and it took Astrid many days before she finally told Poe she was ready.

When the day came, she walked into Leia's office alone, asked if she could have a couple of minutes of the general's time and finally confessed everything. The words came out slowly as she really was scared of what the general might think of her, but Leia was patient, letting her work through her words. Astrid explained her memories, recounting as best she could about her forgotten past. She also added that she would do anything to prove that she could be trusted, and that her allegiance lied with the Resistance.

When it was all over, she sneaked a glance at the woman to see her deep in thought. Realising that she might have made matters worse, Astrid was all but ready to leave before Leia patted her shoulder, thanking her for her honesty. 

After that, things had improved. Holding Astrid to her word, Leia had decided that she was to be trained in combat and was even given an allocated time slot in the training room so she could work on her Force skills, a power that no one on base could help her with. 

Her days were now spent between completing her tasks and practicing her powers although they usually went hand in hand when no one was watching. Astrid felt like a new person. A new person free of her haunted past and free to do whatever she wanted. Free to choose her own path.

It felt so good, she had to admit, to have a rest from all the memories she had been remembering. Even Poe had noticed her change in mood and was happy for her. After gaining the trust of Leia, Astrid was even allowed to follow Poe on his missions, albeit the easier ones.

Things were going so well that it only made sense that the happiness she felt would eventually end soon. It came in a form of a memory. She had been training with Magda, the training instructor she had been assigned to. Astrid was progressing far with her training but although she was very good at fighting, it took a few weeks before Magda allowed her to do anything more than hand-to-hand combat.

She had entered the gym one day and while Astrid was waiting, threw a wooden staff in her direction, and Astrid stumbled slightly trying to catch it.

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