Chapter 25

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"Hale, come with me now."

Theo, who had been roaming the base while cursing everything under the sun, looked up to see Hux, taking long strides away.

"What happened?" she asked, running after him.

"There's been a breach in the throne room," he replied. "The Praetorians Guards are dead." Her eyebrow rose but otherwise said nothing as they boarded the Supremacy. She couldn't find it in herself to care if Snoke was hurt. If he was, he had everything coming. Bloody git-

She stopped, feeling a Force signature she had recognised. Rey.

"General, perhaps you should go ahead," she said. "I have something to do first."

Before Hux could reply, she ran in the other direction, following the force signature. What in the galaxy was Rey, of all people, doing on the Supremacy?

She got her answer once she rounded the corner, bumping straight into Rey.

"Theodosia?" Rey said, relieved. "I need to find a way out."

Theo noticed her heavy breathing and the tears in her eyes. "What are you even doing here? Did Snoke hurt you? What-"

"Snoke is dead," Rey said.

Theo's eyes widened. "How?"

"Ben and I, we teamed up, and he killed Snoke," Rey said. She looked down, taking a moment to catch her breath from the battle she just fought. "Are you still on the light side?" Rey asked.

Theo took a quick glance around to make sure no one else was there before turning to Rey. Rey held hope in her eyes and along with the hope was desperation. Theo couldn't quite place why.

"I don't know which side I'm on," Theo answered honestly.

"He's conflicted...I've seen it. If I can just convince him to turn," Rey continued, frowning.

"You can't, Rey," Theo sighed. "I tried it before; it didn't work. He's determined to be his grandfather, build his own legacy and all that. He'll remain with the First Order."

"But he offered me to be by his side," Rey said slowly, the hurt showing on her face as she thought about the man she had just rejected.

Theo paused. Now, that was new.


"He killed Snoke. That makes him Supreme Leader. A-And he wants to build an empire...with me," she said, and the words came crashing down on Theo. The person he had been talking to; it was the girl who stood before her right now.

She thought back on the day before. They hadn't exactly been on the best terms. Not since the attack of the Resistance and not since well, not since Rey. Their happiness with each other was short-lived by their circumstances and although the both of them had anticipated something like this, she didn't think it would happen so soon.

"Rey," she found herself saying softly, and the younger girl looked up at her with her bright round eyes. She saw it then, maybe, the reason why he was being so distant with her. Theo couldn't hold a candle to Rey. Rey was perfect. "What are your feelings for him?"

She didn't think she wanted the answer.

"I...I don't know," Rey replied.

It wasn't a no, Theo thought bitterly.

"The exit's down the hall, turn left twice, and you'll find the hangar," Theo said numbly. She wanted to hate Rey, but she could not.

"Are you staying here?" Rey asked.

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