Chapter 27

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Disclaimer: there's a PTSD panic attack here, so if you get triggered by things like that, proceed with caution (also, I hope you're doing alright) - wyatt

The room was quiet when she came to. Theo opened her eyes, feeling like she had been drugged. She got up and groaned, her head pounding as the alcohol of last night's ventures came back to haunt her. She felt around for the light switch and flicked it on, groaning even more as the lights blinded her.

She was in Ren's office. More precisely on the couch he kept towards the wall and a cloak wrapped around her. She shifted the cloak aside, the events of last night slowly catching up to her as she gained some control over her consciousness. Her stomach churned thinking about it, and then wait, no, her stomach churned because of the-

She darted towards the en suite bathroom and had just enough time to make it to the toilet bowl before she threw up. The bile tasted sour, and it burned her throat as she emptied the contents of her stomach. It did not help that her head was still spinning, whether from the alcohol or the force-induced sleep, she could not say for sure.

Feeling horrid, she flushed the toilet and cleaned herself up. She walked towards the door. Maybe she could go back to her room and take a quick shower and perhaps get some sleep. Yes, she needed sleep. It was the only way to keep the memories of last night resurfacing.

She turned the knob and heard it click, but it would not open. She frowned, trying the knob again only to find it was locked. She turned back to the office; she would have to make do. Raiding the cupboard by the bathroom, she gathered some of the clothes he had kept aside and made quick work in showering and getting dressed in the black sweater and pants though they looked baggy on her.

 Once done, she placed her hands at either side of the sink and stared up into the mirror. Her hair had been free of its braid and washed thoroughly and the scarce makeup she had on last night was gone, revealing the dark circles under her eyes.

Her gaze flickered behind her, where she hung the red dress from the night before. What was once a symbol of his love was now tainted with a horrible night. And maybe she had no one else to blame but herself.

She exited the bathroom and stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do since she was stuck here. She sat behind his desk, tapping her fingers against the dark desk and waited. The clock beamed back at her. It was 10 a.m. Surely, he wasn't planning on keeping her here the whole day. Or was he?

Had she perhaps been deemed the traitor of the First Order? Was she to be executed? The situation she found herself in reminded her of her time in the Resistance where she found herself in the exact same position of fearing that she was going to get executed. Only the last time that happened, it was merely a joke. A small smile graced her face at the memory of Poe, suddenly wishing she had stayed with the Resistance and avoided the First Order like the plague.

But no, as much as she hated the First Order, this was where her Ren was. And he...what were her feelings for him? She loved him so but maybe...She shook her head, snapping out of her stupid wandering thoughts. Keeping them at bay, she rummaged through the desk drawers to keep herself occupied.

For someone as secretive as him, he kept the drawers unlocked, and it allowed her access to some documents or data pads he kept lying around. She pulled open the last drawer and a familiar band of rope caught her eye. Her fingers held it carefully as she picked it up. It was the tracking device she had gotten from Leia. 

She cradled it gently, her mind buzzing with the idea that was already forming in her head. She looked up, suddenly feeling watched even though she was the only one in the office. Making her way to the bathroom, she locked the door behind her and sat on the floor, biting her lip as she thought through her plan.

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