Chapter 29

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"Ah, ph-uck!"

Theo's teeth clamped around the torch in her mouth in a curse, hand jutting back from the live generator, as she rubbed at her hand that got zapped from the malfunctioning piece of machinery, letting the torch clatter to the ground beside her where it went off. The only source of light came from the glow of her data pad where she had been playing music.

She had spent a long time, more than she'd care to admit, sitting on the floor and inspecting the panel she had opened trying to accomplish her goal. Accompanied by the torch she held in her mouth and her handy toolbox which was really just a collection of old tools she found down in the basement, she was on a mission to bring the generator in the East Wing alive.

She had not been very good with the technical side of the repairs she was doing with the temple. She had succeeded, yes, but they never lasted long. It could be due to her incompetency but since no one was around to point fingers at her, she told herself it was because the machinery was very old.

Something moved behind her and alarmed, she raised her hand and summoned her lightsaber, activating it in a flash as she spun around to see who the intruder was. A small hesitant beep followed shortly when her eyes landed on the small droid who had slowly retreated away back into the shadows. Its one eye was fixed on the red glow emitting from her lightsaber, and she too, found herself staring at the jarring red light, transfixed by it. Coming to her senses, she quickly deactivated the blade, plunging them in the slight darkness of the room.

"Frankie," she breathed out, placing the lightsaber down and opening up her arms to beckon him over. "I'm sorry, little guy. You startled me, that's all," she found herself comforting the droid as it drew closer to her now that she wasn't armed.

"Anything you need?" she asked when the droid rolled to be beside her. It let out a series of beeps and then referred to the generator, offering its help. She smiled, nodding. "I thought I could do it alone. Apparently not, eh?" she shrugged, leaning back against the wall to allow the droid space to inspect the generator.

"All yours, Frank," she said, throwing her hands up. She stayed back as the droid got to work. Sparks flew, sounds of metal tinkering were heard. The droid had it under control, and she found herself smiling at it.

Frank had come a long way. To say she was proud was a bloody understatement. It still followed First Order protocol at times, but then again, even she seemed to find it difficult to break free from it. But overall, it was a better droid, less hostile, less likely to kill everything in sight. And perhaps, had even warmed up to her, acting more as a companion than a subordinate.

In the months as the droid got better, she too was undergoing a similar journey. It was nearing her seventh month in the temple and during those long months, she had grown stronger in the Force, thanks to her training.

She was also able to cope with her trauma better. Qui-Gon's exposure therapy continued. After overcoming the hurdle of Naboo, they worked on Stewjon. It took longer than Naboo, most sessions ending with her holding back tears and reciting phrases she had come up with that grounded her to reality. However, she was determined that her resolution would not waver, and she endured.

After many tries, she finally succeeded in retelling Stewjon without an episode, and she, overjoyed beyond relief, had flung her arms around Qui-Gon in a hug. Completely forgetting he was a ghost, she went right through the projection and fell to the ground, but she was so filled with joy that she didn't let that affect her, instead bursting out in laughter. Qui-Gon too had joined in the laughter, pleased to see her progress.

That had been about a month ago. In the time since, she had shifted her attention towards the red lightsaber she had, the one she was now staring at, discarded on the floor. She wanted to bond with it. It had served her during her time in the First Order, but she never really felt it calling to her. She could always continue using Qui-Gon's lightsaber, but the hilt of the green lightsaber was a bit too big for her hands, and though she had somewhat mastered using it, it slowed down her movements and screwed off her balance.

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