Chapter 13

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Astrid stirred slightly, her mind still fuzzy but slowly being able to recollect what had happened. Her body felt stiff, and she was half aware that her leg had fallen asleep in her force-induced coma. Wait, she thought, suddenly remembering what had happened right before she passed out.

 She heard movement around her and kept her eyes shut, trying to think of what to do next. Her leg was slowly gaining back its feeling but now was the pins and needles part, so she knew she had to wait a while before she could make a run for it.

She could feel the absence of the tracking bracelet around her wrist and knew she had no way of alerting Poe. Remembering what had happened to him, she worried that he was harmed in any way. What was she supposed to do now? With her eyes still closed, she forced herself to remain still, trying to gauge the direction the sound was coming from. She could use the Force and hold down whoever was there and then she had to run. But where was she?

She cursed in her head, her current situation reminding her of the attack that got her memories lost in the first place. She did note that she was not bound in any way, something she was grateful for. In fact, she felt like she was on a bed. A very comfortable bed. She heard the shuffling of feet before it came to an abrupt halt somewhere near the other side of the room.

"You can stop pretending now."

The voice was Ren's. The confirmation that it at least wasn't a stranger in the room with her eased her worries a bit. She opened her eyes and saw him standing near the window with his back to her, glancing out at the open galaxy, his tall frame covering most of the view. She sat up slowly, wincing as her leg screamed its agony through the numbness. Her hand went to her belt where her lightsaber was missing from its place. 

Propping herself up on her elbows, she watched him as he stared out. He didn't have his mask on, and he only wore a simple black sweater and training pants. She couldn't believe that this was the same person the Resistance had so warned her about. She stayed silent, unsure of what to say. 

Yes, she remembered him from her past, but she had not fully pieced together her memories, so she couldn't say for sure the nature of their relationship. She just knew she felt an attraction towards him. The silence continued until he spoke at last, his deep voice startling her slightly.

"The pilot called you Astrid," he said. "Why?"

The question took her by surprise, and she looked at him, her mouth agape. "Because that's who I am now," she replied. Her leg finally getting back its feeling, she sat up fully and shifted to the side of the bed. "You're Kylo Ren, right?"

His body stiffened for a while before he turned around. He walked towards her, curious. "What happened to you?"

"I...lost my memories," she replied softly.


"I'd like to know that as well, but it came from a head injury of which I've no clue of how I got. Now, you are Kylo Ren, right?"

He put his finger below her chin and lifted her head up gently, gazing into her eyes. "You really don't remember, do you?"

She shook her head, pulling away from him. His hand dropped. "I remembered you though...You must be important then."

"I can help you regain them," he said, desperation in his eyes for a few moments before he cleared his throat, stepping away and circling around her. "Of course, I would have to find out the information you've gathered since you disappeared. The pilot, he's from the Resistance, and that means you know where their base is."

"I..." she trailed off, not really sure if she could trust him. "I don't know where their base is," she replied. Come to think of it, Poe had never told her where the base was located. She didn't know the address or which planet they had been on. And she wondered if Poe consciously avoided talking about the location for this specific reason.

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