Chapter 20

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"Stop fussing."

"What are you doing? Leave me alone-"

"You were supposed to take the medication an hour ago."

"I'm fine!"

"Like hell you are," Theo sighed angrily, having spent the past ten minutes trying to get him to take his medication and to get his wound dressed. He kept insisting he was fine, but she was far from convinced by his claims. The fussing began, and it was with growing agitation that she finally stopped, folding her arms across her chest and fixing him with a small glare.

"You're stubborn," she said flatly.

"You're only getting that now?" was his response, and she resisted the urge to throw a pillow at him to wipe the smug grin off his face.

"Jerk," she huffed, opening the tube of antiseptic that was given for his wound. "Now, I'm going to ask you kindly because I'm nice," she said, her voice pinched with barely contained annoyance because this was her day off and instead of relaxing, she was dealing with the six foot tall embodiment of a child. "Can you please cooperate?"

He grinned up at her, feeling her emotions projected through their bond. He'd admit he did like being taken care of by her. Yes, he was being a pain in the ass but that meant they could spent more time together.

At first, he preferred being taken care of the medics because they left him alone out of fear of him. When they tended to his gash across his face, they did it quickly and was out of the room in an instant. Theo, though. She was different.

With the medics, everything had been professional, but with Theo, everything felt so intimate. It was personal. For someone that cared little about what others thought of him, he had been uncharacteristically self-conscious when she tended to the cut on his face, even more so when the medics had bandaged it up with a black gauze so that a line of metallic black slashed across his face.

He had tried hiding it with his hair when she was around, but she had eased his insecurities the moment she had felt them by claiming that it made him look tough.

"Chicks dig that, you know?" She had joked that day, and ever since then, he didn't feel the need to hide the scar.

Her hands were on her hips now, waiting for his response. He finally relented. With a sigh of utter relief, she treated his wound, noting that it had mostly healed up.

Once the dressing was done, she washed her hands and announced it was time for dinner.

"What are we having?" He asked.

"A sandwich," she replied simply as she took out the ingredients needed. She took out the chicken filling she had prepared from the fridge. She didn't have much time to cook a proper meal, but she hoped it would suffice. Humming quietly to herself, she prepared the food for two.

"Crust on or off?" she asked.

"I'm an adult," he replied flatly. 

"Really? I hadn't noticed," she mused, leaving the crust on as she placed the plate of food in front of him. Going back to the kitchen, she heated up the leftover tomato soup and placed that in front of him as well.

"Nothing fancy but eat up," she admitted, settling down on the couch beside him. After getting discharged from the medical bay, Kylo had spent his time recuperating in his own personal quarters. It was a reprieve, at least. 

They had fallen into the routine of spending the evenings together once Theo was done with her duties on base. It mostly consisted of banter being thrown back and forth, but he had welcomed it, liking the way they were both starting to act normal again.

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