Chapter 23

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A week since their informal agreement to a trial relationship, they had fallen into a routine of eating dinner together and spending the evening talking- amongst other things- and going to bed in either one of their rooms. Since nobody was allowed in Kylo's quarters, they usually slept in his room; not that she minded. She had grown tired of him grumbling about the mess in her room.

On the first day back from his medical leave, Kylo got up at 6 a.m., half eager and half reluctant to leave for work. He awoke with her curled up by his side, and he stayed still for a while, embracing the moment of peace in his hectic life.

But there were things to be done. After delaying as much as he could, he begrudgingly slipped out of bed. He padded over to the bathroom where he flicked on the soft yellow light. He took a quick shower, relishing in the hot water on a cold morning. Once done, he stopped at the mirror, his gaze falling on the healed scar on his torso. He placed his hand on it; the scar would forever remind him of what he did.

But Theo had comforted him about it, showing her own scar from Naboo. She shrugged off his concern when she showed it, claiming that though it was like a brand that will forever remain on her body, marked by the blood she spilled, it served as a reminder to do better.

He couldn't see it like that. While she had fully embraced the light side, he was still determined to prove himself in the dark side. That lay the distinct difference in their views, but they put it aside when they were around each other.

Using the black bandage he was given by the medical staff, he wrapped his torso with the black cloth, making sure it was snug before he threw on his inner clothes. He took a towel to his wet hair and dried it religiously because he had hours of wearing the helmet to look forward to.

He moved around the room with ease, shrugging on his black robes and cape. Theo stirred slightly.

"Ren?" she called out sleepily, her eyes only half open as she squinted because of the bathroom light. She could make out the silhouette of him getting dressed.

"Go back to sleep," he told her, as he finished. "You're only due on the bridge at 9."

She let out an incoherent sound of approval, yawning. He leaned over and pressed a kiss on her head. "I'll see you tonight," he said softly.

"Don't cause any trouble," she said, giving his face an endearing pat.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he smiled softly before standing up to his full height. Donning on his mask, he walked out.

When he arrived at the bridge, Hux was already there, walking along the long bridge, carefully observing the crew below him.

"General Hux, status report?" Kylo asked.

"Ren, how gracious of you to return only once we've already sent out our army," Hux said with a scowl.

"I received the mission report but have yet to see any real action being done. Tell me again of the competency of your soldiers?" Kylo replied, his voice very thin because he had only been back for two minutes and was already irritated.

If it were possible, Hux's scowl deepened. "My troops have already seized charge of several systems. We've gained military control in areas you can only hope for. Now you tell me, Ren, what was your part in this whole operation?"

Kylo bit back a sharp remark, not wanting to give Hux the satisfaction that he had affected him. Speaking evenly, he could only come up with, "I fought on the battleground, out of reach of the safeties of a control room. The Resistance fighters have grown stronger. I doubt you could handle such abuse."

"You know nothing of abuse," Hux sneered, turning away from Ren to stare out at his crew instead, dismissing him. "Now, either make yourself useful or leave on your own accord."

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