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Lily didn't know how long she sat in the deep tub. She kept her knees pulled to her chest and rested her head on her arms, just letting the water pull her out of her thoughts. Everything smelled of lavender. She silently thanked Seonghwa for adding the calming scent.

Only when the water started to get cold did she exit the tub, toweling herself off before stepping into the bedroom, wrapped in the large towel.

It was empty, thankfully, but she did see a change of clothes waiting for her. They were some of her pajamas from her house. She pulled them on, then looked around for her hoodie before remembering it was probably still laying in that room...

Panicking at her exposed arms, she went over to the closet and rummaged through the clothes in there, hoping whoever's clothes these were didn't mind her borrowing them. She sighed in thanks when she did find a hoodie. She pulled in on and it almost fell to her knees, practically swallowing her whole. She tried to push the sleeves up, but her arms were so thin it didn't stay.

She flushed, fearing she looked ridiculous, but she knew she had to go talk to them.

She slowly opened the door, listening for any signs of life in the house. It was silent. She bit her lip, wondering if they all went to bed. Walking slowly down the stairs, she was surprised to see all eight members sitting and standing in the living room, staring out the window or at nothing.

San was the first one to notice her standing in the shadows and he jumped up immediately and ran to her, shoving his nose into her neck and wrapping her into a tight hug. He was shaking. Lily tensed a little but didn't try to pull away.

Yunho was the next to join them. He placed a hand on San's shoulder and pulled gently, signaling for him to let her go. He did so, reluctantly, but then took her hand.

Lily couldn't help but smile a little, even if it didn't reach her eyes. She loved how loving everyone was, and she felt bad that any contact with her skin made it crawl sometimes.

But maybe they can help with that...

She looked at each member in turn. They all showed concern, worry, pain, or some other emotion along those lines. She noticed both Hongjoong and Mingi glancing between her and the street.

"Thank you..." She finally said, breaking the silence.

Seonghwa's shoulders fell in relief before he ushered for her to join them. San and Yunho followed her to the couch. She took a seat next to Wooyoung while Yunho sat on her other side. Both took one of her hands, Yunho careful not to squeeze too much as he was on her right.

Silence fell over the room again before the eldest eventually sighed and ran a hand through his already disheveled hair.


"I know." She said, cutting him off. She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. "I know. You all deserve an explanation... I just..." Her words faltered. "I'm scared."

"You don't need to be scared anymore." Yunho said softly.

Lily felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Jongho standing behind her. "We won't let anything happen to you."

Others nodded in agreement, even Hongjoong and Mingi, who she hadn't grown as close to.

"T-thank y-you." She sobbed, letting her head drop for a second.

The hand to her left squeezed hers tighter.

After another five breaths, Lily lifted her head and met Seonghwa's comforting gaze.

"Please, let me finish before you say anything." She asked, and when all she got was a nod from everyone, she started.

"That man, is my father." The hands on her tightened their grips, especially Jongho's. "Not my real father, but my adopted one. I was placed in that house when I was five. Back then he was nicer, more caring, and in love with a woman named Carol. They were a happy couple, and I felt blessed to be with them. They were turning into the parents I never had. But one night, when I was eight, Carol... He was driving... and..."

Her shoulders started shaking at the memory.

"It was a drunk driver, and she didn't survive. But he did. For a long time, he blamed himself. But once he started drinking, he began to blame me."

She could feel the questions hanging in the air, begging to be asked, but all eight boys were respectful of her wishes.

"He blames me, because they were on their way home after signing my adoption papers... We were so excited to be a real family. I had been with them for three years, and they didn't want to take in any other kids. They wanted to be my official parents, forever."

A couple of sniffs came from behind her. She saw San get up off the couch and disappear out of her view.

"My father didn't handle it well, as I said, turning to the very poison that had killed his wife. At first, he was just mean with his words, but as I grew older, his actions turned physical. If he traveled for work, he would pull me out of school to take me with him. He had become... attached."

Lily's eyes fogged over at the memories flashing before her eyes.

"H-he w-would... and..." She bit her lip. "Anyway... I couldn't leave. He was legally my guardian. The first time I tried to run away, I was thirteen. The police picked me up and brought me back home. That was the first night the c..."

Wooyoung squeezed her hand again.

"I learned to deal with it. I'd push the pain down. I just had to take it one day at a time and count down the days until I turned eighteen. Then I could legally leave and take care of myself. But he knew that's what I wanted. So, he made me an offer I... I couldn't refuse."

Everyone held their breath.

"He said he would pay for my tuition if I stayed to take care of him. I had no money of my own, no job, no idea how to pay for college. So, I accepted, even if I felt part of me die inside at the thought of spending another four years with him. But I loved going to campus. It was there that I found my passion for singing and dancing. I wanted to take as many electives as I could so I could find a dream."

She sighed, closing her eyes.

"I wish I hadn't... when he discovered I could sing... he came up with another way to use me. He wants me to become famous so I can support him, and he'd never have to work. He threatens me all the time to pull my college funding and keep me..."

I'll never be free of him...

"He lost his temper today because he found out I was with all of you while he was out of town over the weekend. I don't know how he found out, but he said he has eyes everywhere..."

Then Lily stood up rapidly, startling the others.

"I-I have to go. If he finds out I'm here... I can't let him hurt you."

"No." Seonghwa said, standing to join her. "You are not going back to that place. We weren't followed, he can't know you're here. We won't let you go back to that filth."

Lily felt a fresh wave of tears form. "You don't understand."

"What. What don't we understand?" Yeosang said, walking away from where San had been holding him. "Do you really think we would let you go back there after you told us that?"

"You don't understand..." Lily said, her hand reaching for her charm bracelet. "The last person who tried to help me... the only friend I ever had... When he tried to take me away... Father killed him."

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