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"Where are we going?" Lily asked, realizing they weren't going to Seonghwa's house.

The three boys smirked a little bit. "We moved." Is all Mingi said.

"Moved?" She was confused. She hoped they didn't move just for her... that was too much.

She stared as the houses they passed got nicer and nicer. When they finally stopped in front of one, she felt her jaw drop.

It was absolutely gorgeous. And it was a mansion to boot. There wasn't a large yard with it, but if she had to guess, every boy had a room to themselves and there were probably some to spare.

When everyone got out of the car, Yunho chuckled and said, "Just wait until you see the inside." He started walking forward, Mingi by his side.

Lily went to follow, but then stopped. What if the others don't want me back... They probably hate me... She had visions of her friends' angry faces. Of San yelling at her, furious that he had been shot because of her. Of Seonghwa yelling at her to get out of the house, saying he never wanted to see her again. Of Yeosang, also yelling at her for getting San shot. Hongjoong yelling at her for taking advantage of them. Wooyoung...

Her legs started shaking. She couldn't face him. She took a step back, only to stand against Jongho.

He placed his hands comfortingly on her shoulders. As if reading her thoughts, he said, "Don't keep them waiting. We have all been waiting for you to come back to us." He took her hand and pulled her forward, letting her set the pace.

Her feet hurt, throbbing against the hard ground. She could feel her heart beating, her entire head pulsed in time with it.

They stopped outside the front door. She looked up at each of their faces. Mingi smiled and nodded once. Jongho squeezed her hand. Yunho leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead.

The inside of the house had to have been even more beautiful than the outside. Lily marveled at the intricate artwork and moldings on the walls and banisters for the stairs in the center of the entrance room. She paused, wanting to take it all in, but Jongho pulled her to one of the rooms of the side. The doors were closed.

As soon as Mingi closed the front door, the door in front of her burst open and Seonghwa hugged her so hard they almost fell over. He sobbed into the top of her head, running both hands through her hair. He then started planting kisses all over her, in her hair, her forehead, her cheeks, everything he could reach while standing there.

"Hwa, Hwa, Honey let her breathe." Mingi said pulling at his shoulder. Seonghwa just pulled her into a hug again, refusing to let go.

They were soon joined by San and Yeosang and Lily felt all three bodies pressing into her. They sank to their knees, unable to support themselves anymore. Lily rotated herself so she could wrap her arms around San, muttering infinite apologies to him. He buried his face in her neck, a motion she had missed so much.

It freed up her face to see Hongjoong smiling at the mess on the floor. He mouthed 'Welcome home' to her and she tried to say something back, but all that came out was an embarrassing sob.

Then she saw him, standing in the doorway, tears running down his cheeks. He looked at her longingly, and she returned the gaze. As if understanding what she wanted, he shook his head once and mouthed 'Later'.

Lily nodded and hugged San tighter.

She didn't know how long they stayed there. Time didn't matter anymore. The tears were endless. The love was infinite.


When things had finally calmed down, Seonghwa showed Lily to one of the guest rooms while Hongjoong checked Mingi and Yunho over for any injuries.

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