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Wooyoung burst into the building just in time to hear Lily's scream. He turned in that direction and saw her father dragging her by her hair into the elevator.

They locked eyes for a moment, and he heard her try to call out his name before the door shut.

"Hongjoong, call the police and then Jongho to tell us what floor they are going to." He said as he ran to the stairs. "Seonghwa and Mingi, take the other elevator and go to the top floor. The rest of us will take the stairs and get off on whatever floor Hongjoong sees the elevator stop at."

No one argued with him and followed behind him.

The five members running up the stairs pushed past their waning stamina. When Jongho got the call, he said they were on the 30th floor, not quite the top. He then called Seonghwa to let them know.

They had already reached the 40th floor so they ran to the stairs to go down instead of waiting for the elevator again.

The seven of them reached the landing at the same time and burst through the door. They quickly looked in each room they passed. Wooyoung found his father's office first and ran in.

He slid across the polished floor as he forced himself to stop, horrified at the sight in front of him.

Lily's father held her to him, sitting on a chair with her in his lap, naked. He was using his legs to spread her own wide. Her hands were positioned behind her head, and he was using one hand to pull her head back, exposing her bare neck that his other hand held a knife to.

"Stop right there, don't take another step." He snarled, tightening his grip on her. She let out a muffled whimper and Wooyoung realized he had taped her mouth shut.

His friends had filed in behind him and he heard several of them curse.

"You called them here, didn't you? You Bitch."

"Don't call her that." Wooyoung said, clenching his fists.

"I will call her whatever I want. Bitch, whore, slut. They all fit. She is mine, and she always will be." He locked eyes with the boy in front of him and dragged his tongue over her jaw.

"Now here's how it's going to work. You boys are going to leave silently and forget this ever happened. And you will NEVER look for us again. If you don't, I'll kill her. Slowly. Painfully."

"No, you won't." Wooyoung said, taking a step forward. The others looked at him in shock and Lily whimpered into her gag.

"What was that, boy?"

"You won't kill her; you would have done that already instead of destroying lives to find her."

The man smirked. "You've got guts, I'll give you that." He turned to Lily and saw how she looked at the boy. He took the hand holding her head back and placed it possessively in between her open legs. "You're right there. Why would I want to give up my favorite toy?" He ran his tongue over her jaw again, loving how she shuddered against him.

Wooyoung's stomach flipped several times. He was so disgusted by the display in front of him, he wanted nothing more than to rip the man's throat out. But he knew he had to take this carefully.

He motioned for the others to stay where they were as he took another step forward. "Is this what Carol would want?"

The man's eyes widened at the name. His mouth even opened slightly.

"What would Carol say if she saw what you are doing to the girl you adopted and loved at one point? Would this make her happy if she were alive now?"

The knife lowered from Lily's throat. Wooyoung chanced glancing at her, his gaze softened for the slightest second.

Lily could feel her father shaking behind her. His hold on her relaxed slightly.

"Just, let her go, and we can forget this ever happened." Wooyoung extended one hand forward.

The man's eyes flashed at the motion. "How. Dare. You." He said darkly.

He raised the knife.

Wooyoung ran forward.

Lily twisted where she sat.

The knife hit flesh.

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