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When the boys had arrived at the hospital, Lily was taken from them immediately. Jongho was also taken to a room to be examined, but the wound had stopped bleeding by the time they got inside. He still hadn't woken up.

They hated the familiar feeling of waiting.

Yunho snarled at anyone who tried to touch him or talk to him. His shirt was soaked in Lily's blood, but he didn't care. He kept his eyes locked on the doors to the emergency room.

San and Yeosang sat together, the younger comforting his friend. Yeosang was so pale, San was worried he might pass out and any second, and he saw his eyes keep flicking to where his own gun shot wound was.

Seonghwa was crying into Mingi's chest and Mingi was doing his best to not cry. He blamed himself for getting Lily shot, but he knew the other was blaming himself for what they all knew was going to happen.

Hongjoong was doing his best to try and warn the nurses of what was coming, but none of them believed him.

No one was winning tonight.

And faster than they would have liked, Lily's father walked in.

The place turned cold as he made his way to the nurse's station. "Where is my daughter? She was just brought in. Her name is Lily."

The lady behind the desk checked her computer. "She's in surgery, Sir. I'm so sorry. Those boys over there brought her in, they were with her when it happened."

He turned around and snarled. His eyes found Yunho and hissed at his blood-soaked shirt. "What did you do to her."

"We saved her, that's what we did." Yunho stood, clenching his fists. "It was your man who shot her."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yes, you do, don't lie you bastard. You know exactly what happened tonight. Your men sent the rest of the police home and threatened to shoot us if she didn't leave with them." Yunho's voice raised.

The nurses looked between the two men, not believing what they were hearing.

"She sacrificed herself to protect us!" Yunho roared. "So, you better believe that we aren't letting her leave with you, you son of a bitch!"

Several of the hospital workers moved to keep the two men apart.

"Gentlemen! If you don't stop, we will have to remove you from the building." A security officer said, grabbing Yunho's shoulder.

"No! You should be throwing him out! You have no idea what he will do to her if she makes it through surgery! He will torture her! If you don't believe me, have them check the inside of her right leg. There is a brand there that he put on her!" Yunho cried out, fighting against the hands holding him.

His friends ran over, trying to calm the tallest down, but he kept shouting and cursing at Lily's father.

The man just stood there, sneering when no one was watching him.

"You seem to be confused, son. YOU'RE the one who put that brand there after you kidnapped her from me! She told me all about it before you took her again." He turned to the security officer. "Sir, these boys had kidnapped and raped my daughter. She came home to tell me about it, but they grabbed her on her way to campus. From the sounds of it, they are probably the ones who shot her."

"NO!" All the boys yelled at once, astounded that this man's silver tongue could spew such lies.

After much struggling, the staff forced all the boys outside and told them not to come back in.

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