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When Lily opened the front door, Wooyoung felt his heart stop for a second. She was breathtaking. He loved the way she had braided her hair and let it fall over her shoulder. He loved the way her dress hugged her just above her waist. He loved the way her eyes sparkled when she saw him standing there in black pants and a white dress shirt.

"Wow." He breathed as she walked up to him.

"Hi." She said, shyly.

Wooyoung couldn't find the words to respond. Her light makeup made her skin glow and accented her beautiful, hazel eyes perfectly. He got lost in them for a second. Her joy made the green stand out more, and he swore he saw flecks of gold too.

"Hi," he finally said. "Are you ready?" He took her hand.


They walked to his car. He opened the door for her and made sure her dress was inside before closing it. When he got into his seat, she asked, "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." He smirked at her slight pout.

Their first stop was a nice, fondue restaurant. He had requested a private table, so they were cut off from the rest of the place by a thick curtain.

"This place is amazing," Lily said. It was quiet, and romantic.

Wooyoung took her hand under the table and smiled.

They chatted comfortably, mostly about how the group started and the performances they had done.

Lily loved how excited he got when he started talking about creating the choreography with Yunho. He even showed her some of the hand movements they were working on.

When the fondue was served, they happily fed each other, commenting on how good everything tasted.

After dinner, which lasted almost two hours, they went to a nearby park. The stars twinkled in the sky above their heads and the moon reflected on the surface of the lake next to them.

They walked, hand-in-hand, until Wooyoung pulled her to a bench and they sat down. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. "This is for you." He said, placing it in her lap.

"Wooyoung..." She said, picking it up tenderly. Her hands shook as she untied the ribbon around it.

When she lifted the lid, she let out a small gasp.

Three small charms rested on a small cotton pillow.

A silver heart with angel wings on it. "Flip that one over." When she did, the back side said 'Always in my heart'. "That one is for Micah." He said, wrapping an arm around her and stroking her shoulder.

A gold '8'. "That one is for all of us, so you think of the new friends you made."

A rose-gold 'W'. No explanation was needed for that one.

Lily's hands shook as she picked up each one in turn. Then she felt Wooyoung reach for her wrist. He slipped her bracelet off, undid the clasp, and picked up the angel wing bead. He slipped it onto the bracelet, using such precise and slow movements one might think he was performing a surgery. He slipped the other two charms on in the same fashion, closed the bracelet, and returned it to her wrist, letting his fingers stroke the cold metal.

A chill ran up her arm at the touch, but it was the kind that made her crave more. There was something about his touch that always let her know she was safe with him.

Then his finger was under her chin, lifting her head so he could kiss her. He could taste the salt from her silent tears and let his tongue roll over her lips, pressing gently to ask for permission.

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