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"Hello, welcome." Lily called from behind the counter. She smiled at the group of girls who came into the store to let them know she was there before returning to pricing the clothes on the rack behind her.

She was starting to feel a little better. The kind woman, Susan, had allowed her to stay and work in the shop. She slept on the couch in the backroom so she didn't intrude on Susan's privacy, and she was slowly saving up her money so she could eventually get her own place.

The work was a nice distraction. People brought items, mostly clothes, that they didn't want any more into the store for Lily to look through. She'd pick out the items she thought would sell, price and tag them, then find a spot for them on the floor. If the item sold, a portion of the sale would go to the customer's account, and when they had enough money, the customer could come in and get a check.

It was a nice system and it kept her busy. When she wasn't pricing items, she would go around and clean and reorganize the store. She would create new displays for the window and switch out the items on the walls.

She had even started to build up her own wardrobe too. Susan gave her a nice discount if she wanted to buy any of the customers items to keep.

The other thing she liked is that Susan never asked questions. She never asked anything about Lily's personal life after she said she had no friends or family.

She was content here, and that was enough. For now.


Seonghwa sighed as he cooked breakfast for the household. It was always quiet here now, even though Hongjoong had given up his apartment and moved him, Jongho, and Wooyoung here. None of them wanted to be apart anymore, even if none of them said it out loud.

He sighed again, absently stirring eggs around in a pan.

Then he felt a pair of long arms wrap around him from behind. "What's the matter, love?" Mingi's deep voice said.

Seonghwa felt himself blush slightly at the words, but leaned his head back to rest on the taller's shoulder. Over the past few months, the two had grown closer, taking small steps before admitting they had feelings for each other. Seonghwa was glad he had someone to lean on and support him, as Mingi would often force him to stop taking care of others so he could take care of himself.

The older hummed in response. "How is San today?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Better. Yeosang is helping him walk around the room at the moment so he can stretch his legs. He is restless..." Mingi said, leaving the unfinished statement hanging in the air.

Seonghwa hummed again, scooping the eggs onto different plates already adorned with bacon and toast. Mingi helped take the plates to members around the house.

The eldest walked up the stairs with two plates and gently knocked on San's door before entering. He smiled, watching Yeosang walk next to San, fussing if he tried to walk to fast.

"Break time." He said, setting the food on the tray that had been set up in San's room.

"Food!" San cheered, trying to speed back to the bed.

"San!" Yeosang snapped as he started getting dragged.

The taller laughed a bright, hi-pitched laugh that brought smiles to the others' faces. Even with everything going on, his spirit hadn't been entirely snuffed out.

Unlike others... Seonghwa thought to himself as he left the room. He walked to his room and glanced out the window, his smile fading when he saw his silver-haired friend sitting by himself on the swing hanging from the tree.

In the months since Lily had left, Wooyoung had dropped out of college. He spent his days either in the backyard not wanting to talk to anyone, or wandering the city hoping for a sign...

Everyone tried to find their own way to deal with loosing Lily. Jongho had bought a punching bag that he and Yunho used to get their anger and frustration out. Really, everyone used it sometimes, but mainly those two. Hongjoong had lost himself to his work, writing and putting together songs and getting everyone up and going for dance rehearsals.

That was the one time they all came together, even Wooyoung. Deep down, Seonghwa thought the younger only participated because when they all danced together, it felt like she was still there with them.

Where are you Lily? Do you know how much all of us need you?


Lily let out an exhausted sigh as she fell back onto her couch after closing the store. It had been a long day and she was glad she was finally able to get off her feet. As she started to settle into the couch, she heard something vibrating from her bag.

She stared at it for a long moment, her mind going blank.

When the sound stopped, she slowly reached into her bag and pulled out her phone. She bit her lip and the screen lit up, showing a message from Wooyoung.

He had sent her one every day. Just one. Always the same one.

'Please come back to me'.

Lily bit her lip, trying to hold back her tears. She knew the boys must be going through hell right now. Sometimes she regretted leaving that way, but she knew it was for their own good. It was her way to protect them...

But it didn't keep her heart from breaking every time one of them called or texted her, hoping that that would be the one time she answered.

There were many times she had thought about throwing away her phone, but she couldn't bring herself to do it.

She wished she could tell them she was ok, and that she thought about them too. She wished...

Her head popped up and she pulled up a website on her phone...


"Guys!" ... "GUYS! GET IN HERE NOW!" Yunho called. He waited in the living room, staring at what he held in his hands.

Each member came into the room starting to ask what was going on, then froze, mouths opening slightly. Even San hobbled down the stairs with Yeosang's help.

Wooyoung was the last one to enter. He was walking up, muttering under his breath. Then he pushed past the others, preparing himself to yell at Yunho for interrupting his workout, when he gasped.

Yunho stood in the living room holding a vase filled with lilies.

"Is it...?" He whispered.

"Who else?" Yunho said just as soft.

"Is there a note?" Jongho asked.

Yunho scanned the arrangement and pulled out a little card. "I am safe." He looked up and met Wooyoung's eyes. Both were fighting to hold back tears, but smiling.

Those three words brought hope to the friends, for the first time in a long time. It was what they needed to keep moving forward.

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