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Jasmine arrived at Ciao yesterday morning, she had shopped around, roaming the streets, visiting some memories that these places hold. With a little hope that she would bump into a certain medjai. It's been a few years since the Imoteph situation. She had spent so much time studying for a way out of the curse. But so far she had no luck. All her attempts to contact Ardeth were unfruitful.

Jasmine hummed to herself as she moved around the house she owned when she came here to rescue her brother from prison, he was reluctant about letting her go alone but he understood that she is very well capable of taking care of herself. She was cleaning, dressed in her comfortable clothes. They should be getting back from their adventure, she would have to leave by tomorrow morning, she could be there to welcome them back, maybe cook something up as well since they all must be tired and surely hungry for little homemade food. She stops in front of the window, looking at her reflection for a bit. She has changed.

Her hair has grown longer, while she had no luck with her height, her body was more toned with all the training she had been doing. Her deep neck top revealed a bit of cleavage and a bit of her waist, her loose trouser was a little below her waist. Just above the neckline rested a stone pendant of Hatshepsut, the one she received from her medjai and Hatshepsut got from hers. She touches it, feeling the engravings and texture, something that has become a habit of hers when she has a lot on her mind.

She hands slipped into the folds of her skirts and clutched the dagger she had kept hidden, she whirled around and threw it at one of the six men standing behind her wearing red and black robes, hitting one of them.

" That necklace is not yours."

His skin was black as obsidian stone, while he was about 6'9'', powerfully built, but not in a good way. The entire opposite, he exuded a malevolent aura and the ugly scars that slashed across his cheeks, foreheads and hands added to his sinister looks.

"Nor it is yours," she said with her head held high.

With a cold expression is his dark eyes, he moved closer to her, completely blocking any path she could have taken to escape and commanded, " Give it to me."

" I'll never give you this necklace," she replied heatedly, despite her gut telling her that the man would do it.

Gathering all her forces, she pushed him and tried to run away; but the man was fast and grabbed her by the hair. She let out a soft cry of pain as he pulled her close to him. His voice was cold and sinister when he spoke into her ear." Do not dare to put a hand on me again, woman."

"And what if I do?" Asked Jasmine boldly.

His full lips turned upwards in a sneer. "I might decide to kill you take the pendant from your corps "

" I'll take my chance."

She remembered her training well, she knew she can get out of it. With all the strength she had in her body and in her mind, she elbowed him on the stomach. The man loosened his hold on her and she took advantage of that to get away from him, not counting on the other four men and their swords.

Grinning in satisfaction, the man took both her wrists in one of his hands and with the other, he held a dagger pressed to her neck. She could feel the cold steel against her skin and swallow with difficulty. She looked straight at the man, not showing her panic or fear.

" Have you changed your mind now?"

" Never! "

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