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Enjoy! you're Misery, my Oc!

i didnt draw this, this is just as close as it gets to looking like my Oc, since my camera won't work

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i didnt draw this, this is just as close as it gets to looking like my Oc, since my camera won't work. Credit to the artist!


You sighed to yourself, writing down what happened in your life today. Using your other hand, you subconsciously grazed your slightly calloused finger pads against the soft cheeks of the baby in the cradle beside you.

His matching white hair shined in the light, making his hair seem lighter than it really was. His bright pink eyes looked up at you,trying to focus with his blurry baby vision.

Yes, that was your son.

You had grown used to taking care of the boy that had part of your genetics, constantly wondering how in the world he had come to be. You had never had intercourse with anyone, so there was no possible logic to how you got pregnant.

Sadly, your parents were so stricken with anger and grief that they wouldn't hear you out, and instead kicked you out. Honestly, you were upset with them for that, it was literally only them, your son and a few other survivors left on the island!

At least try to keep the family together before the world finally ends! But at the end of the day, you couldn't blame them; after all, you were only 15 when it happened.


Now you're turning 17 soon, and you really didn't want to celebrate. After all that has been happening, from the disappearance of your friend who had supported you since the very beginning, to struggling with caring for the baby and yourself, you didn't even want to think about that dreaded day of the year. All you need to focus on was your child and your letters.

'Letters?' Some may ask. 'Why are you writing letters?' Others question.

It was a way to relieve stress and keep yourself from committing suicide from all that was going on. You started writing after finding out you were with child, now it's a daily chore to keep yourself from throwing your son out the cave you two now lived in.

Sometimes, he gives you far too much of a scare, like sleeping more often and you having a hard time waking up. You almost had a heart attack when he wouldn't wake up after you yelled for him to do so. But after a moment, he woke up with an evil smirk as if planning to scare the crud out of you.

At first you would get ridiculously mad, but then remember a saying your friend would always tell you whenever you were feeling negative during pregnancy.

"Not all treasure is silver and gold."

You would laugh at how she used that quote from what your ancestors before used to call 'a movie.' whatever that was.

Other than because of your son, whom you had yet to name, you wrote letters as if you were actually writing them to someone. You didn't expect anyone to find them, since you would put them in ancient wine bottles and throw them out to sea.

It always amused and spiked your curiosity if there were actually other people out there, with how damaged the world has been over the few millennia your people managed to conquer.

You finally finished the letter, ending with a:

Yours Truly, 


As you blew the ink, so it could dry faster, you also prepared the next bottle for the letter. You wrapped the ancient parchment up in order for it to fit through the opening and put the rotting cork on it to keep the letter from slipping out and from the ocean water from seeping in.

You kissed your son, who was now sleeping peacefully, and walked out of the cave.

You were lucky enough to find this place, since your island was fairly large. This underground cave was perfect for you and your son, protecting you from the bad weather and when the other survivors start killing each other in the future. The sea was right outside, although there was a couple of large rocks in front of the entrance.

With a bit of struggle, you jumped over a few rocks and was eventually outside. You walked close enough to the shore until the water kissed your bare toes. You held the bottle close to your chest, praying to whatever god of the ocean would protect your message.

You opened your bright green eyes and threw the bottle with all of your might, your jaw dropped in amazement as it went so far that you could barely see it.

After a moment or two, you heard baby cries. You sighed and walked back into the cave to feed him, since that was the most likely problem.

You rubbed your eyes in exhaustion, clicking your tongue to over exaggerate that you were sleepy. With a tired groan, you opened your eyes, only to scream in horror at what you saw.

Your babies arm was gone.

Instead of blood, there was a beautiful light pink shade sparkling in his bloodless wound.


It was a rare moment for Padparadscha to awaken once more. He took this advantage to go to the beach, having a yearning to watch the colorless waves meet the pure white sand. As he ventured to the said beach, he noticed a glinting light from afar. "Huh, wonder what that could be.." Padparadscha mumbled, shrugging to himself as he started walking towards the mysterious object.

When he close enough, he realized what a strange shape it was. After picking it up and looking at it from various angles, Padparadscha noticed that there was a letter inside. As he unrolled the paper, after some difficulty taking the wooden bit out, he read the first few words, wondering what was written:

¨To Whom It May Concern,

I have started fearing that the life of my son and I are in danger.
The ones closest in my heart have turned their backs on me now.
I only have you, the person reading this, to help me cope with my sorrow and fear.
It would be silly of me to request a letter back, but... A girl could dream...

Yours Truly,


Padparadscha felt pity for the author of this letter, wanting to help them with their problem. A prick of drowsiness poked at his chest, telling him that he was running out of time. An idea suddenly struck Padparadscha in the head, he ran all the way back to the school, determined to fulfill this important task before it was too late.

He asked for a pencil and charcoal from Peridot, and after successfully obtaining these items, he scratchily wrote in the best handwriting he was able to remember. The sleepiness was slowly taking over his body, but Padparadscha was not going to give up until he was satisfied with what he was doing.

Finally, he wrote the letter P as his signature, shoving it back into the bottle and writing, ¨To Misery." On the cork. Yawning slightly, he ran back out to the same shore he received the bottle, getting slower with each second that passed.

Padparadscha reached the shore at last, using up the last of his strength to chuck the bottle out to sea. The last thing he saw with the final glimmer of the bottle before falling on the white sand. For the very first time, Padparadscha felt a purpose, a reason to hope that he would wake up.

This Misery girl was... interesting...


Hello there, my beautiful gems!

I have something special in store for my dear Padparadscha

Stick around more to see what's next!

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