Padparadscha's True Feelings ; Reality Rutile!

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What even is the title lol


Your eyes snapped open, only for them to close almost instantly due to the bright light. You hissed sharply, groaning to yourself about how you missed your cave. Right then and there, the memories of your dream rushed back to you at inhuman speeds.

A gasp escaped your lips, "That one guy might know something!" You whispered as you tried to sit up. You blinked in confusion when you did not succeed, and tried once more. As you did so, a small whine escaped from lips that were not yours.

You looked to your side, eyes widening as they came across the red haired beauty. They looked so peaceful, their chest rising up and down as their hold around your waist tightened just slightly. To keep your embarrassment to a minimum, you looked around to see if there were anyone else in the room.

Spotting a green head of gem hair, you smiled at the sight of a lightly snoring Jade sleeping on their back while Rose was lying on their chest. They both had a smile on their faces as they slept, Jade's arms wrapped securely around the small life.

"How cute. . ." You sighed, feeling slightly jealous at the sight.

"Jade refuses to give him to anyone else but you." You jumped as Padparadscha opened one eye up at you. You smiled at them as they sat up next to you, "I see that Rutile didn't have to operate on you this time. How is that?" You questioned.

Padparadscha's eyes widened slightly, realizing the new change. "Beats me, this has never happened before. I'm not questioning it though, I get to learn more about you and Rose." Padparadscha stared forward, they seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

"You two. . . Interest me very much."

Huh? What did they mean by that? You found yourself sitting there like an idiotic child, unable to process what was going on.

Padparadscha looked back at you was a small smile, "Especially you, Misery."

You froze, that was one of the rare times Padparadscha didn't mess up with your name. What was happening?!

Before you could get any hopes up, your eyes narrowed with suspicion. "This isn't because of Pearl, is it?" You spoke up. Padparadscha's eyes doubled in size, "No, no, of course not- well, kinda." They waved their hands around wildly, chuckling nervously.

"It's just. . . when Pearl was taken, I felt horrible. I had never learned about love before them, so it caused me great pain when they were gone. I felt like a failure." Padparadscha frowned, staring at the floor.

Your glare softened, realizing how terrible his experience must've been.

To fall in love with someone for the very first time.

Only for them to be taken away from you.

And then being forced to live for eternity without them.

With no pauses, no relief, nothing.

Just sadness and a hole where your heart is.

"Then you and Rose came along and it all changed in the blink of an eye. You brought joy and light back into my life, while Rose brought wonder and curiosity. It made me feel strange, but in a good way." Padparadscha smiled to their self.

Your heart melted at their words, you and Rose really did that?

Padparadscha looked back to you, "What I'm trying to say is. . ."

You waited in bated breath, you wouldn't even let yourself blink. This moment seemed to freeze in time, and it felt nice. Like soft fluttering in your stomach, or the soft tingling warmth that spread across your face.

"I. . . . appreciate you."

The feeling died right then and there, and you sat with a dumbfounded expression on your face. They really had you waiting there for a minute.

Then you thought about it. Padparadscha has only loved once in their entire life, then that love was lost and it inflicted them very badly. You merely helped Padparadscha get back on their feet, and that was just enough to make you smile.

You hummed, looking back to the humanoid gem. "I-" Instantly, you paused as Padparadscha leaned closer to you. "Padparadscha?" You exclaimed, leaning backwards. They didn't even pause, "There's just something that attracts me to you. It frustrates me that I don't know what it is." Padparadscha admitted, resting a hand over yours.

You ignored the heat rising on your face, too lost in Padparadscha's eyes to even notice how close you were to them. Your eyes slowly fluttered to a close, and you slowly leaned in.

"I see you two are awake."

You yelped in surprise, jumping back from Padparadscha. Sadly, since the bed you two were sitting on was rather small, this meant that you fell off the bed and right on the floor. Padparadscha peeked over the bed, stifling a laugh as you rubbed your bum in agony.

You looked over to the entrance, spotting an unamused Rutile leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. Their beautiful eyes were narrowed with unknown emotions, and you barely noticed how they were scratching their arm or how stiff they were.

Rutile sighed, before standing upright, "I leave for a few minutes and you two are already acting weird." They emphasized on the word 'weird' as they walked over to a pile of limbs.

Padparadscha chuckled and rolled their eyes at Rutile's words as they held out a hand for you to grab. You gratefully took it, nearly flying up from their strength as they pulled you up to your feet. Padparadscha still sat on the bed with the blanket over their lower body, but you didn't question it.

The blanket was comfy.

You took a deep breath, and looked back to Padparadscha with a serious expression. "Padparadscha, do you know of someone named Aculeatus?" You winced, dreading what reaction they might've had.

I mean, you had almost died not even 24 hours ago.

Rutile, who was reattaching small pieces of Heliodor to their respected limbs paused. Though they didn't move, their eyes looked up at you, giving them a mysterious, chilling stare.

What had happened while you were asleep?

Padparadscha hummed, rubbing their chin in deep thought. "I've heard of him before, but I've never met him. I know Phos and Rutile-kun talk to him and his sister every now and then." He nodded in confirmation.

So far he didn't seem to upset, you noticed. "I need to talk to him about something. But this time, I have a feeling he won't kill me."

Padparadscha sighed at your poor sense of humor, "I would go with you, but uhh. . . " They raised the blanket off of their body. "I can't." You froze, gazing at the few pieces and shards of their legs laying there.

"What happened?" You raised a brow in concern.

Padparadscha chuckled awkwardly, "Midnight's body kinda went crazy after you fell asleep. Luckily, Euclase showed up just in time. The look on their face was creepy." They visibly shuddered at the memory.

"You can find Aculeatus at the White Shore, where you washed up. I believe Watermelon Tourmaline and Hemimorphite are patrolling there." Rutile interrupted, aggressively stuffing the shards into the limbs of Heliodor.

You nodded, "Thanks Rutile! And you too, Padparadscha!" You waved goodbye as you ran out of the room.

Padparadscha sighed, staring after your running figure as Rutile began to work of their legs. "She's going to be the end of me, you know that Rutile?" They looked down at the angry gem.

"Well unlike her, I can fix you, you idiot."


im not dead yall i swear

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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