Weird Octopus Thing

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You wiped the sweat off of your forehead, despite it only being sunrise, as you double-checked the knots you tied on the wooden boat you found. It wasn't too bad, but not very good either. The others could possibly attack you and your son, whom you decided to name Rose for now, any moment now, so you had to rush a bit. In the end, you were only able to make the sail to help you with the wind.

You also installed a special spot for Rose to lay him down so he could sunbathe and eat at the same time, since he feasts off of sunlight and all. Putting some blankets in the curved seat, you carefully placed your Gem baby in there, watching as he let out another heart melting giggle.

"Honestly, " You mumbled, looking out to the sea and the skies, "I'm worried that this won't work.. What if you break again?" You watched as Rose looked at you with such ignorant innocence.

His pink eyes stared into your emerald green ones, before laughing loudly, as if you worried too much. You blinked a little in surprise before smiling brightly, landing a loving peck on his smooth forehead, "Very well, for your sake.... and your future."

With a few great shoves, you and Rose were sailing off out to sea. You looked in the sack of necessities you brought with you, since you expected to be out here for a long time. Multiple containers of fresh water, wooden bowl with sticks, dried pieces of meat, and most importantly, your quill, ink, parchment and tons of bottles. You checked in the bag, nodding to yourself.

After a few hours of floating on the big blue with no hints of land in sight, you sighed and took refuge beneath the sail, which didn't do so well for shade. You took another swig of water, and used an empty container to scoop up some salt water, pouring it into the bowl. 

Laying the empty container in the center of the bowl, you rested another bowl on top of it all. You lit a small fire beneath the bowl and listened to the water slowly boil.


Suddenly, the boat shook a bit, as if something had hit it from beneath. You instinctively rushed to grab Rose and hold him in your arms tightly. It was a sickening and quiet pause, before pitch black tentacles began to burst out of the water.

You shrieked in fear as the tentacles wrapped around your waist and pulled you out of the boat. The feeling of falling into the water, left a stinging pain on your back, but you opened your eyes when you felt something, or rather someone, snatch Rose out of your arms.

"What is this thing? Another one of the Bone?" A male gagged, followed by Rose's cries. You took a good look at the male, who reminded you of an octopus. His sharp green eyes pieced your slightly darker shade of green, "You...." He paused as he started looking you up and down. You felt your lungs burn, and started struggling. He sighed when you started gesturing to your throat, "Just breathe already, it's not like you'll suffocate!" He glared at you with such distaste that you gasped in offense.

"Wait, what the heck?!" You exclaimed, you were breathing perfectly! "Well, you two seem to be stray Bones." The dark octopus man thing rested a hand on his chin, as though deciding what to do with you and your son. You realized that this was a serious matter, if you didn't say anything, he might decide to keep you two! 

You raised a brow in confusion, "What do you mean by 'The Bone?'" You asked, silently thanking him for giving (throwing) Rose back to you. "They're gems that live in an island not too far away. Honestly, they have too much time on their hands and don't worry much about anyone other than their own kind." He frowned, his mind now off of you two.

'Is that the place that P mentioned?'

You suddenly got an idea, "I was actually on my way there! May you please take my son and I to that island? I promise not to sail anymore." You promised, you had a feeling that 'P' might be living on that island. Aculeatus stared at you for a minute, you could've sworn there was remembrance in his eyes. "Very well then." He mumbled after a while, "Hold on to that little pest, this will be very fast." He warned.

You were barely able to get a good grip on Rose before water rushed past you at inhuman speeds. You weren't even able to scream, but you could hear Rose giggling at your suffering. Only a few seconds later, it all stopped and you jerked forward so badly, you thought your head popped off. "We're here." Aculeatus announced, his tentacles helping you walk properly on land.

After a minute or two of stumbling a bit, you were back to normal, and maybe just a bit dizzy, "Thank you..." "Aculeatus, now I must leave." He sighed, retreating back to the waves. You stared after him, as though he was a familiar memory.

"H-hey, who's th-there?" A new voice called out, snapping you out of your thoughts. You turned around, Rose still in your arms, to see a strange looking person around your age. Their voluminous baby pink hair and matching eyes reminded you of Rose's strange innards. Their skin was so pale, you wouldn't be surprised if they weren't human.

You felt your eyelids grow heavy, your grip on Rose tightened as your body started tilting over

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You felt your eyelids grow heavy, your grip on Rose tightened as your body started tilting over. "U-Um Goshe!" Was the last thing you heard before falling to sleep with Rose sobbing in your arms.



Aculeatus will be very important in this story, let's just pretend that the Admirabilis are immortal for the stories sake!

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