Midnight Aura Quartz

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You arrived to Rutile's workplace, spotting Padparadscha, Diamond, and a legged Bortz. "Hey guys, have you seen Rutile?" You asked, not seeing said Gem. Padparadscha pointed behind you, and you turned around to see a surprised Rutile holding a bowl of powder.

"There you are! How are you today, Rutile?" You smiled. Rutile raised a brow of suspicion, "Why do you want to know that?" They questioned a bit defensively. They looked at Padparadscha to see that they did not look happy with Rutile's question. AT. ALL.

You noticed and frowned at Padparadscha, "Calm down, Padpa. Rutile has a right to ask!" You rolled your eyes. Padparadscha scoffed, leaning against the table. You sighed, leaning over to Rutile, "I'm sorry about what Pearl did to you," You sensed them stiffen, but continued, "But I'm not Pearl, so don't worry about me." You whispered, giving them a thumbs up.

Rutile smiled weakly, "You really don't understand...." They trailed off, walking off to the ladder to put the bowl away. You were confused, what did you not understand? You felt something poke your cheek, and blinked rapidly to realize that Padparadscha was standing right in front of you.

"Is there anything else you want to do?" They smiled, waving to the leaving Diamond and Bortz. You nodded, "I want to meet Midnight Aura Quartz." You said quickly. Padparadscha's eyes widened, "Misery, are you insane?! Midnight is too dangerous for even us! Rumors have it that they tricked Pearl and gave them to the Lunari-"

You placed a finger against Padparadscha's lips, "But they were partners, right?" You questioned. Padparadscha sighed, "For the longest time." They answered. "Which means I need to speak with them. They know many things that even Sensei doesn't." You said, using small  hand motions to help your argument.

Finally, Padparadscha nodded, "I'm coming with you." They announced, and it was final. You sighed, "Not like I had a choice." You shrugged, following the taller Gem. As you ventured through the halls, the appearances of Gem decreased. They held expressions of fear in realization of where you two were going.

By the time you arrived to the hall where Midnight's room was, no one was there, not much light was there. You shuddered, spotting Midnight's room at the end of the hallway. Padparadscha sensed your fear and held your hand tightly, but not too hard. You smiled up at them, thankful for their support.

Together, you walked down the hall, into the darkness. Padparadscha instantly felt a bit groggy, due to little light, so you held their hand with determination. They grinned, but it disappeared as they held you behind them.

Padparadscha signaled for you to stay outside the room, you nodded meekly as they walked inside. "Midnight..?" Padparadscha questioned, moving cautiously. You spotted a glimmer in front of them, slowly coming out into the dim light.

It was a beautiful Gem, with dark colors of purple, deep blue and tiny hints of green. The colors were almost fully mixed together where you would have to look at their hair from multiple angles to see the different shades. There were cracks all over the visible parts of their body, and their eyes were wide open with unknown emotions.

"Oh my! If it isn't the dear Padpa~" They cooed, walking around the hot pink Gem as smooth as a snake would. Their voice was scratchy and distorted, making you feel  even more scared then you would admit. "Don't ever call me that." You heard Padparadscha snap.

Midnight stopped in front of them, putting a hand over their mouth in mock shock, "Oh, I do apologize! Isn't that what Dear Pearl used to call you? Such a shame they were taken awa-" "DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT PEARL LIKE THAT!" Padparadscha yelled, clenching their fists tightly.

You realized how serious things were getting, and ran into the room. "Stop it, please! I don't want you two to fight!" At that moment, as you stood between the two Gems, they saw Pearl in your place. Pearl had once done and said the exact same thing as you just did to them. Padparadscha calmed down, but was still tense.

Midnight blinked, before their spine tickling smirk crept back into their face. "And who is this little pebble?" Midnight grabbed your chin roughly, taking a good look at your face. Padparadscha pulled you back to their chest, protectively holding you, "Her name is Misery, and she is a human." They answered.

Midnight's eyes brightened, "Humans? You mean those bags of flesh and bones that we were designed after? Interesting... I would love to see those insides of yours one day." They grinned sadistically. Padparadscha's hold on you tightened, you toughened up and pushed their arms off, standing before Midnight.

"I heard that you were once Pearl's fighting partner. Tell me more about them." You spoke with an unquivering tone, though you were shaking. Midnight smiled, "Oh of course, My Dear! But only if he," Midnight pointed at Padparadscha, "Leaves the room." They giggled.

"Absolutely not." Padparadscha instantly replied. You turned to them, "Padparadscha, don't worry about me. If anything happens, I'll let you know." You assured them. Finally, Padparadscha sighed, slowly walking out of the room.

When they were no longer visible, Midnight giggled, "So what would you like to know, dearie?" You looked at them, "Where are Pearl's belongings?" You remembered Sensei mentioning the violin and songs.

Midnight smiled in remembrance, "Right here." They pulled out a strange object as well as mountains of papers with musical notes and lyrics. "I kept them when Pearl died, helps me remember of what we had together." They shoved the objects towards you, "I hate them, so you can have them." Their sad aura lifted up to their unreadable one once more, "What else?"

"How did Pearl 'die'?" You used air quotations, since Gems don't really die. Midnight began to giggle, which was strange to you. Then it went from an airy chuckle to a laughing craze. You shuddered at the sound of their laugh. They looked down at you with wide eyes, their pupil almost hard to find.

"I killed Pearl!"


Sorry that there wasn't much here, but I liked it!

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