Who was Pearl REALLY?

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The walk back to the school was quiet, and very awkward. Diamond held the currently disabled Bortz bridal style, while Padparadscha held the legs on one side of their body. You stood in the back, remembering all that had happened.

You had leapt ridiculously high in the air, which you were sure a human couldn't do. Cracks have been appearing across your body so far, the main ones being the ones on your wrist and ankle, but those were spreading. You were having a growing crush on Padparadscha- but that was kinda obvious. It's just childish feelings for a teenager, to fall in love with an attractive rock.

You would have to ask Sensei if this was normal, or if it happened to any other gem before. You really hoped so, because it was pretty nerve wracking that you were beginning to lose feeling in that hand. Why was some of your body still normal, while certain spots were similar to the Gems?

Your throat suddenly felt dry, you hadn't drunken anything in a while. Maybe they had tea leaves you could add to the fresh water you would have to make. You spotted Jade waiting at the front of the school, waving at you with one arm. The familiar pink gimmer in his other arm gave you a sick feeling within.

"JADE! HOLD HIM WITH BOTH ARMS!!!!" You squealed in fear, running off towards Jade as Padparadscha and Diamond laughed. Bortz glared after you, "...Why?" They simply muttered. Your eyes widened at the sight before you, and you dug your heels into the ground to slow yourself.

You screeched to a stop, barely stopping a few inches from the two. Rose giggled, taking his hand out of his mouth and resting it on your nose. You smiled, standing upright. "So how was he? He didn't give you any trouble, did he?" You questioned worriedly, lightly pinching Rose's cheeks.

Jade grinned, "Not at all! In fact, Rose has been perfect company. Never had quite a companion like them before." They said. Your brows raised, "That's my boy!" You giggled, reaching out to hold him. To your surprise, Jade held him back, looking a bit sad. "Actually, can I keep Rose for a bit longer- er, cause you deserve a break and all!" They suggested. 

You slowly caught onto the fact that they simply grew attached to your baby boy, so you smiled. "No problem, I need to ask Sensei something anyways." You shrugged, turning back to face the upcoming Gems. "I'm going to see Sensei real quick! Meet you at Rutile's workplace?" You suggested Padparadscha.

They smiled, "Meet you there." Padparadscha yawned. You smiled up at them, before running off to see Sensei.

After a little while of getting lost or taking a wrong turn, you finally arrived to Sensei's room. "Sensei, there's something I need to ask you." You stood up straight. Sensei turned around, looking down at you, "What seems to be the problem?" He questioned.

"Have you ever heard of humans cracking?" You muttered nervously. Sensei was fully awake now, his eyes widened in surprise. "No, humans don't crack like Gems do. Do you have cracks?" He hit the nail on the head. You nodded weakly, "Uh-huh," You pulled the glove covering the cracked wrist, "One here and one on my ankle." You informed.

Sensei rested a hand to his chin as he inspected your wrist. "Most unlikely," He murmured, pressing against certain parts all over your arm. "Not all of you is Gem, much to my growing confusion. I wonder if this is a possibly new way Gems can be born." Sensei said to himself.

You frowned, "But I've been fully human for my entire life. Rose is the only Gem I know to be born from a human, because I am his mother." You pointed out. "Then you must be a reincarnation of Pearl, but something happened to have you born from humans." Sensei added.

Irritation was the only thing you felt right now, "Ya know, I've been hearing an awful lot about this Pearl, but Padparadscha wasn't able to tell me much. Can you tell me about her?" You tilted your head in curiosity. Sensei nodded, "Of course, but you might want to sit down." Instantly, you plopped down on the floor criss-cross, resting your hands on your knees.

Sensei chuckled to himself before beginning.

"Pearl was a Gem that was taken off to the moon centuries ago. With an incredibly weak hardness of two, they were expected to take a simple job and to never fight. Pearl went against the rules and became a glorious fighter, and with the way they saw certain things, they were unstoppable.

"Sadly, Pearl was also manipulative to the ones around them. If they wanted something, they would do anything to get it. Even if it meant hurting the ones they loved." You felt a bit confused, you weren't like that. At least, you hope you weren't.

Sensei continued, "Padparadscha fell in love with Pearl's grace and beauty, until they eventually became a 'couple' as you humans call it." You felt  a small spike of jealousy from that, but let Sensei keep talking.

"Padparadscha loved Pearl with every Inclusions that made them up, but Pearl didn't feel the same. They only noticed Padparadscha because Rutile held deep affections towards the pink Gem. Pearl had many bad hobbies, and one of them was hurting others. Now whenever Padparadscha fell asleep, Rutile would feel like they were only waking Padparadscha up so they could love Pearl."

Wow, Pearl was a b*tch.

"Pearl didn't have only a bad side, they loved art and music. They even created the violin, an old humanmade instrument lost to time, and made songs based off of things they read in old books made by humans." Huh, well that didn't sound evil.

"Their artwork was always lovely to gaze upon, there's even a painting Pearl did somewhere in the school. When Pearl was taken off to the moon, the things they once did were left to gather dust." You made a mental note to check their stuff out.

"Pearl had a partner named Midnight Aura Quartz, who still walks these halls today. After Pearl's taking, Midnight was more paranoid than ever, mumbling to themselves and so. They knew Pearl better than even I do, so if you wish to know more, you must speak with them." Sensei concluded his speech.

You nodded, standing up once more, "Arigato, Sensei!" You bowed respectively, running off. "I must advise you," He spoke up once more, making you pause. "Midnight Aura is known to have random bursts of violence, and they haven't left their room since Pearl was gone." Sensei warned.

"I'll make sure to be careful." You nodded in determination, racing off to tell Padparadscha you couldn't stay with them. Sensei sighed, "I hope so." He trailed off.

Midnight Aura Quartz was the reason many Gems understood fear.


Yep, you already know imma add another OC

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