Cracked Wrist

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Sensei was a big guy, you noticed with a nervous smile. There was nothing too threatening about him for you to be defensive or anything, it's just that you had never met a man as large as life before. 

"Ms. Misery, I welcome you to our home. Is there anything you wish for?" Sensei questioned, since he already knew you were human. Raising a brow, you looked around, "Is there any fresh water here? Any food?" You questioned politely.

Padparadscha winced for some reason, did they know something you didn't? Sensei opened his mouth to answer, "No." Your eyes widened, "What....?" You exclaimed, causing Rose to gurgle in worry. "Because of our ability to feast off of sunlight, we have no need to hunt or thirst. You are a human, meaning that small animals and freshwater techniques must make do." Sensei pointed out.

You sighed in relief, "Phew, I can do that!" You chuckled. "If that is all, you may leave." Sensei gave a small smile, resting a gloved hand on your head. It was comfy, and almost fatherly to you. Air lightly rushed out of your nose, "Thank you so much, Sensei." You bowed in respect.

A hum came from him, telling you that it was okay. You stood upright, jumping slightly as Padparadscha held your hand. The spark didn't occur again, much to your surprise and relief. Padparadscha smiled down at you, tilting their head towards the exit, "Let's go." They lightly tugged your hand.

You yelped slightly, guess they didn't even know their own strength. Sensei looked out the window while listening to the both of you leaving the room. Ahh, young love.... he guessed?

Padparadscha stared down at you as you walked, you looked so much like the Pearl they once knew. The likeness was so overwhelming, they wanted to kiss you right then and there. Sadly, you weren't Padparadscha's taken lover, but Misery instead.

"Um, Padparadscha? Are you alright?" You questioned worriedly. Padparadscha shook out of their thoughts, "Yeah- yeah, I'm fine." They stuttered. Quickly trying to change the subject, Padparadscha came up with an idea, "Oh, Misery. Are you sure you want to keep holding Rose? I know how heavy a Gem with a hardness of 7 can be, and I'm surprised a human could hold that much."

You grinned up at them, "I'm stronger than you thin-" Your arms drooped, interrupting your earlier claim. You fell to your knees, carefully laying Rose down. Heavy panting came from your mouth as he was finally laid on the ground, you didn't want to admit how heavy he was.

Padparadscha smirked, "Stronger than I think, huh?" They rested their hands on their hips, raising a brow in amusement. You blushed a bright red, "Shut- Shut up, Paddy! I'm just tired is all!" You exclaimed, crossing your tired arms as Rose reached up to you with his short chubby arms.

With a chuckle, Padparadscha leaned over to pick Rose up, cradling the baby in their arms. "Let's see if my 'siblings' can take care of him. They love small animals." Padparadscha pointed out. You frowned with uncertainty, "But he's not a small animal, he's a Gem." You paused, slowly getting to your feet.

"Touché, Misery." They nodded with an impressed grin. Padparadscha used their available hand to hold yours. "Maybe this time." You shrugged, looking off to the side so they wouldn't see your blush. "That's the spirit." Padparadscha laughed.

This time, instead of hiding your face, you began to look around for the Gem beauties. Strangely, it seemed as though they were no where to be seen, as though they had disappeared. "Huh, where did they go?" You mumbled. Padparadscha look confused as well, until they looked back and began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" You frowned, not feeling any amusement at the moment. "Look behind you." They whispered, tilting their head to behind them. You raised a brow, turning your head. You stifled a laugh as the other Gems quickly rushed to hide behind the columns once more.

After a few seconds, they all peeked out from random columns, hurriedly hiding behind them once more when they saw that you were still looking. Your cheeks warmed up in adoration, how could a bunch of rocks be so cute?

Padparadscha nudged you, you glared up at them as they shrugged innocently. "Hey, it's your kid, not mine."(ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT???) Padparadscha mumbled. You sighed to yourself, "Uum, I would like one of you to look after my son, Rose. If-if that's okay with you, of course." You stuttered in embarrassment.

Instantly, all of them were crowded around you and Padparadscha. You yelped and jumped onto Padparadscha's back, panicking as the latter stiffened. "Geez, someone's not used to crowds." They muttered, straightening up they held out Rose.

Rose blinked in confusion, before letting out a gurgled laugh. This caused all of the other Gems to jump back in surprise, they had never heard such a noise. It was.... cute..

Slowly, Padparadscha laid Rose in a green Gem's arms. You suddenly felt a spike of dread leap up your back, did they chose the wrong Gem?

You fidgeted nervously as the other Gems held Rose. They exclaimed in wonder and awe every time he made a noise or held one of their fingers. "Um, please be careful. He's still a baby after all." You hesitantly reached out when the bright green Gem held him up in the air.

"Ally oop!" The green Gem squealed, tossing Rose up in the air. You shrieked in fear as the bundle flew high in the air, coming down to the floor at an alarming speed. You pushed past the Gems and slid on your knees with your arms out.

Rose landed in your arms, along with the sound of a crack coming from your arm. You gasped, did you break a bone? "Are you two alright?" Padparadscha asked worriedly, kneeling down beside you and Rose. They slowly took the baby from your arms, cooing the sobbing Rose.

You hid the thin crack along your wrist behind your back, "Oh-Oh! Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little jumpy." You laughed nervously. You opened one eye and were immediately confused as to why all the Gems were bowing down to you.

"We're sorry that we mistreated Rose, Pea- er, Misery-San." One with tide-pod hair apologized, "Gomenasai." The other spoke in unison. Your heart melted, "Aw, it's alright." You waved your arms around wildly.

They all cheered up right away, wishing you a good day as they went on with their own. You sighed, tracing the crack on your wrist. It was hard there, but the rest of your body was still soft.

You would have to ask Sensei after you asked Padparadscha some questions.

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