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This will be Padparadscha's side of the story!


Before Padparadscha could continue their speech, their eyes rolled to the back of their head and their body collapsed on the grass. The blurred sound of Misery gasping in shock was the last thing they heard before falling asleep.

It was dark, and Padparadscha was floating in the heart of the darkness. What would happen this time? Would the older Gems torture their mind this time? Or the younger ones?


Everything got colder, Padparadscha's eyes widened as a twisting feeling swirled in their stomach. This was new.... When Padparadscha blinked once more, they wished they had the ability to cry.

"Pearl..." Padparadscha's voice cracked. Pearl was smiling down at them, their bare, powderless body floating above Padparadscha's. Their body sparkled and twinkled in the dark as their hands caressed Padparadscha's shocked face.

"Hello, my love." Pearl smiled, their cloudy eyes dressing along. Padparadscha finally moved, wrapping their arms around Pearl's waist and head, pulling them close. "I thought I'd never see you again." Padparadscha whispered, lightly pecking the Gem's bare neck.

"Well here I am, silly Padpa~" Pearl smiled, moving back a bit to see Padparadscha more clearly. The pink Gem couldn't hold back anymore, and pressed their lips against the weaker Gem. It slightly angered them that their hardness's were totally different, and that Padparadscha couldn't fully show them their love. But the moment felt so real, that they couldn't even care less.

Pearl chuckled into the kiss, "Oh Padpa, you're such a fool..." They mumbled sadly as they separated from the loving action. Padparadscha was confused, "What do you mean, Pearl?" They questioned, creasing their brows in worry. It pained Padparadscha to see their lover in distress, and wanted to help them greatly.

"You must get over me, my love." Pearl looked into Padparadscha's eyes in sadness. Padparadscha's mouth open and closed repeatedly, before finally answering. "No! I could never do such a terrible thing!" They objected, resting their chin on Pearl's shoulder.

"You will never get better if you keep this up!" Pearl cried out, pushing themselves off of the harder Gem. "But I love you, Pearl!" Padparadscha shot back, holding their wrists tightly. "No, no! Let me go, you stupid Lunarian!" Pearl cried out, desperately trying to pull away from the other gem's grip.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" Padparadscha creased his brows in worry. The darkness around them melted into a beautiful scenery, but they were on a Sunspot, drifting farther away from the island. Padparadscha looked down at themselves to see that their body was that of a Lunarian's.

They looked back at Pearl, to see the hatred and fear in their cloudy eyes. Suddenly, Padparadscha's arm raised up on it's own, holding a club of sorts. Padparadscha's eyes widened, why was their body doing this?! "Pearl!" Padparadscha heard their own voice cry out from the island, they looked back to indeed see another Padparadscha standing at the edge of the island.

"Please, let me go." They looked back at Pearl, to see them staring back with fear and alarm. Padparadscha tried to stop their upcoming action, but the club came down with full force. They watched in horror as they began to beat their lover to shards, Pearl's cries were ear-shattering as their shards flew everywhere. The other Lunarians were grinning, watching as Pearl stopped moving.

Padparadscha breathily sobbed, their entire body shook with rage and hatred, hatred for their self.

"Pearl!" Padparadscha screamed into the sky. No one else loved someone like they did, therefore no one could feel the same pain they did.

This was easily the worst nightmare Padparadscha ever had.


I made them relieve their memories, but in the pov of a Lunarian

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